Mac-Source 1994 July
C and C++
Gnuplot 3.5 for Macintosh
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Text File
4,510 lines
#ifndef lint
static char *RCSid = "$Id: command.c%v 1993/08/21 15:23:42 woo Exp $";
/* GNUPLOT - command.c */
* Copyright (C) 1986 - 1993 Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley
* Permission to use, copy, and distribute this software and its documentation
* for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the
* above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
* notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
* Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to distribute
* the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed as patches to
* released version.
* This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* Original Software: Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley.
* Gnuplot 2.0 additions: Russell Lang, Dave Kotz, John Campbell.
* Gnuplot 3.0 additions: Gershon Elber and many others.
* Changes:
* Feb 5, 1992 Jack Veenstra (veenstra@cs.rochester.edu) Added support to
* filter data values read from a file through a user-defined function before
* plotting. The keyword "thru" was added to the "plot" command. Example
* syntax: f(x) = x / 100 plot "test.data" thru f(x) This example divides all
* the y values by 100 before plotting. The filter function processes the
* data before any log-scaling occurs. This capability should be generalized
* to filter x values as well and a similar feature should be added to the
* "splot" command.
* 19 September 1992 Lawrence Crowl (crowl@cs.orst.edu)
* Added user-specified bases for log scaling.
* There is a mailing list for gnuplot users. Note, however, that the
* newsgroup
* comp.graphics.gnuplot
* is identical to the mailing list (they
* both carry the same set of messages). We prefer that you read the
* messages through that newsgroup, to subscribing to the mailing list.
* (If you can read that newsgroup, and are already on the mailing list,
* please send a message info-gnuplot-request@dartmouth.edu, asking to be
* removed from the mailing list.)
* The address for mailing to list members is
* info-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu
* and for mailing administrative requests is
* info-gnuplot-request@dartmouth.edu
* The mailing list for bug reports is
* bug-gnuplot@dartmouth.edu
* The list of those interested in beta-test versions is
* info-gnuplot-beta@dartmouth.edu
#ifdef THINK_C
#define THINK_C_1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
#include <time.h>
void sleep(); /* defined later */
#ifdef THINK_C
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef OS2
#include <setjmp.h>
extern jmp_buf env; /* from plot.c */
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(DOS386)
#ifdef DJGPP
#include <dos.h>
#include <process.h>
#ifdef __ZTC__
#define P_WAIT 0
#include <time.h> /* usleep() */
#ifdef __TURBOC__
#ifndef _Windows
#include <dos.h> /* sleep() */
#include <conio.h>
#include <dir.h> /* setdisk() */
extern unsigned _stklen = 16394;/* increase stack size */
#else /* must be MSC */
#if !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(DJGPP)
#ifdef __MSC__
#include <direct.h> /* for _chdrive() */
#include <time.h> /* kludge to provide sleep() */
void sleep(); /* defined later */
#endif /* !__EMX__ && !DJGPP */
#endif /* TURBOC */
#endif /* ZTC */
#endif /* MSDOS */
#ifdef ATARI
#ifdef __PUREC__
#include <ext.h>
#include <tos.h>
#include <aes.h>
#include <osbind.h>
#include <aesbind.h>
#endif /* __PUREC__ */
#endif /* ATARI */
#ifdef AMIGA_SC_6_1
#include <proto/dos.h>
void sleep();
#endif /* AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
#include "plot.h"
#ifdef THINK_C
#include "tout_protos.h"
#include "setshow.h"
#ifndef _Windows
#include "help.h"
#define MAXSTR 255
#ifndef STDOUT
#define STDOUT 1
#ifndef HELPFILE
#if defined( MSDOS ) || defined( OS2 ) || defined(DOS386)
#define HELPFILE "gnuplot.gih"
#ifdef AMIGA_SC_6_1
#define HELPFILE "S:gnuplot.gih"
#define HELPFILE "docs/gnuplot.gih" /* changed by makefile */
#endif /* AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
#endif /* HELPFILE */
#ifdef _Windows
#include <windows.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#ifdef __MSC__
#include <malloc.h>
#include <alloc.h>
#include <dir.h> /* setdisk() */
#include "win/wgnuplib.h"
void sleep();
extern TW textwin;
extern jmp_buf FAR env; /* from plot.c */
extern LPSTR winhelpname;
extern void screen_dump(void); /* in term/win.trm */
extern int Pause(LPSTR mess); /* in winmain.c */
#define inrange(z,min,max) ((min<max) ? ((z>=min)&&(z<=max)) : ((z>=max)&&(z<=min)) )
* instead of <strings.h>
#ifndef ATARI
#ifdef _Windows
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#elif THINK_C
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef AMIGA_SC_6_1
extern char *gets(), *getenv();
#ifdef sequent
extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *index();
extern char *strcpy(), *strncpy(), *strcat(), *strchr();
extern int strlen();
extern int strcmp();
extern double atof();
#endif /* !AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
#ifdef __PUREC__
* a substitute for PureC's buggy sscanf.
* this uses the normal sscanf and fixes the following bugs:
* - whitespace in format matches whitespace in string, but doesn't
* require any. ( "%f , %f" scans "1,2" correctly )
* - the ignore value feature works (*). this created an address error
* in PureC.
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
int purec_sscanf( const char *string, const char *format, ... )
va_list args;
int cnt=0;
char onefmt[256];
char buffer[256];
const char *f=format;
const char *s=string;
char *f2;
char ch;
int ignore;
void *p;
int *ip;
int pos;
while( *f && *s ) {
if( ch!='%' ) {
if(isspace(ch)) {
/* match any number of whitespace */
while(isspace(*s)) s++;
} else {
/* match exactly the character ch */
if( *s!=ch ) goto finish;
} else {
/* we have got a '%' */
if( ch=='%' ) {
/* match exactly % */
if( *s!=ch ) goto finish;
} else {
if( ch=='*' ) {
while( isdigit(ch) ) {
if( ch=='l' || ch=='L' || ch=='h' ) {
switch(ch) {
case '[':
while( ch && ch!=']' ) {
if( !ch ) goto error;
case 'e':
case 'f':
case 'g':
case 'd':
case 'o':
case 'i':
case 'u':
case 'x':
case 'c':
case 's':
case 'p':
case 'n': /* special case handled below */
goto error;
if( ch!='n' ) {
if( ignore ) {
} else {
p=va_arg(args,void *);
switch( sscanf( s, onefmt, p, &pos ) ) {
case EOF: goto error;
case 0 : goto finish;
if( !ignore ) cnt++;
} else {
if( !ignore ) {
ip=va_arg(args,int *);
if( !*f ) goto finish;
return cnt;
/* use the substitute now. I know this is dirty trick, but it works. */
#define sscanf purec_sscanf
#endif /* __PUREC__ */
#endif /* ATARI */
* Only reference to contours library.
extern struct gnuplot_contours *contour();
#ifdef OS2
/* emx has getcwd, chdir that can handle drive names */
#define getcwd _getcwd2
#define chdir _chdir2
#endif /* OS2 */
#if defined(unix) && !defined(hpux)
#ifdef GETCWD
extern char *getcwd(); /* some Unix's use getcwd */
extern char *getwd(); /* most Unix's use getwd */
#ifdef DJGPP
extern char *getwd(); /* DJGPP acts like Unix here */
extern char *getcwd(); /* Turbo C, MSC, EMX, OS2 and VMS use getcwd */
#ifdef vms
int vms_vkid; /* Virtual keyboard id */
#if defined(THINK_C_1)
FILE *data_fp=NULL; /* != means file still open */
TBOOLEAN more_data_fp=FALSE; /* And this explicitly says so. */
#elif defined(THINK_C_2)
extern FILE *data_fp; /* != means file still open */
extern TBOOLEAN more_data_fp; /* And this explicitly says so. */
static FILE *data_fp=NULL; /* != means file still open */
static TBOOLEAN more_data_fp=FALSE; /* And this explicitly says so. */
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
extern FILE *popen();
static TBOOLEAN pipe_open = FALSE;
extern int chdir();
extern double magnitude(), angle(), real(), imag();
extern struct value *const_express(), *pop(), *Gcomplex();
extern struct at_type *temp_at(), *perm_at();
extern struct udft_entry *add_udf();
extern struct udvt_entry *add_udv();
extern void squash_spaces();
extern void lower_case();
/* local functions */
#ifdef THINK_C
enum coord_type adjustlog();
static enum coord_type adjustlog();
extern TBOOLEAN interactive; /* from plot.c */
#if defined(THINK_C_1)
/* input data, parsing variables */
struct lexical_unit token[MAX_TOKENS];
char input_line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1] = "";
int num_tokens, c_token;
int inline_num = 0; /* input line number */
char c_dummy_var[MAX_NUM_VAR][MAX_ID_LEN + 1]; /* current dummy vars */
/* the curves/surfaces of the plot */
struct curve_points *first_plot = NULL;
struct surface_points *first_3dplot = NULL;
struct udft_entry plot_func;
struct udft_entry *dummy_func;
/* jev -- for passing data thru user-defined function */
struct udft_entry ydata_func;
/* support for replot command */
char replot_line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1] = "";
int plot_token; /* start of 'plot' command */
/* If last plot was a 3d one. */
TBOOLEAN is_3d_plot = FALSE;
#elif defined(THINK_C_2)
/* input data, parsing variables */
extern struct lexical_unit token[MAX_TOKENS];
extern char input_line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
extern int num_tokens, c_token;
extern int inline_num; /* input line number */
extern char c_dummy_var[MAX_NUM_VAR][MAX_ID_LEN + 1]; /* current dummy vars */
/* the curves/surfaces of the plot */
extern struct curve_points *first_plot;
extern struct surface_points *first_3dplot;
extern struct udft_entry plot_func;
extern struct udft_entry *dummy_func;
/* jev -- for passing data thru user-defined function */
extern struct udft_entry ydata_func;
/* support for replot command */
extern char replot_line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
extern int plot_token; /* start of 'plot' command */
/* If last plot was a 3d one. */
extern TBOOLEAN is_3d_plot;
/* input data, parsing variables */
struct lexical_unit token[MAX_TOKENS];
char input_line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1] = "";
int num_tokens, c_token;
int inline_num = 0; /* input line number */
char c_dummy_var[MAX_NUM_VAR][MAX_ID_LEN + 1]; /* current dummy vars */
/* the curves/surfaces of the plot */
struct curve_points *first_plot = NULL;
struct surface_points *first_3dplot = NULL;
static struct udft_entry plot_func;
struct udft_entry *dummy_func;
/* jev -- for passing data thru user-defined function */
static struct udft_entry ydata_func;
/* support for replot command */
char replot_line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1] = "";
static int plot_token; /* start of 'plot' command */
/* If last plot was a 3d one. */
TBOOLEAN is_3d_plot = FALSE;
#ifdef THINK_C_1
if (read_line(PROMPT))
/* So we can flag any new output: if false at time of error, */
/* we reprint the command line before printing caret. */
/* TRUE for interactive terminals, since the command line is typed. */
/* FALSE for non-terminal stdin, so command line is printed anyway. */
/* (DFK 11/89) */
screen_ok = interactive;
if (do_line())
{ /* also used in load_file */
if (is_system(input_line[0])) {
(void) fputs("!\n", stderr);
num_tokens = scanner(input_line);
c_token = 0;
while (c_token < num_tokens) {
if (command())
if (c_token < num_tokens) /* something after command */
if (equals(c_token, ";"))
int_error("';' expected", c_token);
FILE *fp, *lf_top();
int i;
char sv_file[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
#if defined(__ZTC__)
unsigned dummy; /* it's a parameter needed for dos_setdrive */
/* string holding name of save or load file */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_VAR; i++)
c_dummy_var[i][0] = '\0'; /* no dummy variables */
if (is_definition(c_token))
else if (almost_equals(c_token, "h$elp") || equals(c_token, "?")) {
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "test")) {
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "scr$eendump")) {
#ifdef _Windows
fputs("screendump not implemented\n",stderr);
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "pa$use")) {
struct value a;
int stime, text = 0;
char buf[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
stime = (int) real(const_express(&a));
if (!(END_OF_COMMAND)) {
if (!isstring(c_token))
int_error("expecting string", c_token);
else {
quotel_str(buf, c_token);
#ifdef _Windows
if (stime>=0)
#ifdef OS2
if( strcmp(term_tbl[term].name, "pm" )!=0 || stime >=0 )
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf);
text = 1;
if (stime < 0)
#ifdef _Windows
if (!Pause(buf))
longjmp(env, TRUE); /* bail out to command line */
#ifdef OS2
if( strcmp(term_tbl[term].name, "pm" )==0 && stime < 0 )
int rc ;
if( (rc=PM_pause( buf ))==0 ) longjmp(env,TRUE) ;
else if( rc==2 ) {
(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf);
text = 1;
(void) fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LEN, stdin);
(void) fgets(buf, MAX_LINE_LEN, stdin);
/* Hold until CR hit. */
#endif /*OS2*/
#ifdef __ZTC__
if (stime > 0)
usleep((unsigned long) stime);
if (stime > 0)
sleep((unsigned int) stime);
if (text != 0 && stime >= 0)
(void) fprintf(stderr, "\n");
screen_ok = FALSE;
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "pr$int")) {
struct value a;
(void) const_express(&a);
(void) putc('\t', stderr);
disp_value(stderr, &a);
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
screen_ok = FALSE;
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "p$lot")) {
plot_token = c_token++;
#ifdef _Windows
SetCursor(LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_WAIT));
#ifdef _Windows
SetCursor(LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW));
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "sp$lot")) {
plot_token = c_token++;
#ifdef _Windows
SetCursor(LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_WAIT));
#ifdef _Windows
SetCursor(LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW));
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "rep$lot")) {
if (replot_line[0] == '\0')
int_error("no previous plot", c_token);
#ifdef _Windows
SetCursor(LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_WAIT));
#ifdef _Windows
SetCursor(LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW));
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "se$t"))
else if (almost_equals(c_token, "sh$ow"))
else if (almost_equals(c_token, "cl$ear")) {
if (!term_init) {
(*term_tbl[term].init) ();
term_init = TRUE;
(*term_tbl[term].graphics) ();
(*term_tbl[term].text) ();
(void) fflush(outfile);
screen_ok = FALSE;
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "she$ll")) {
screen_ok = FALSE;
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "sa$ve")) {
if (almost_equals(++c_token, "f$unctions")) {
if (!isstring(++c_token))
#ifdef THINK_C
{ Point where={97,103};
SFReply reply;
SFPutFile(where,NULL, "\pUntitled",NULL, &reply);
if( (reply.good) && (SetVol(reply.fName,reply.vRefNum) == noErr)){
PtoCstr((char *) reply.fName);
save_functions(fopen((char *) reply.fName,"w"));
int_error("expecting filename",c_token);
int_error("expecting filename", c_token);
else {
quote_str(sv_file, c_token);
save_functions(fopen(sv_file, "w"));
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "v$ariables")) {
if (!isstring(++c_token))
#ifdef THINK_C
{ Point where={97,103};
SFReply reply;
SFPutFile(where,NULL, NULL,NULL, &reply);
if( (reply.good) && (SetVol(reply.fName,reply.vRefNum) == noErr)){
PtoCstr((char *) reply.fName);
save_variables(fopen((char *) reply.fName,"w"));
int_error("expecting filename",c_token);
int_error("expecting filename", c_token);
else {
quote_str(sv_file, c_token);
save_variables(fopen(sv_file, "w"));
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "s$et")) {
if (!isstring(++c_token))
#ifdef THINK_C
{ Point where={97,103};
SFReply reply;
SFPutFile(where,NULL, NULL,NULL, &reply);
if( (reply.good) && (SetVol(reply.fName,reply.vRefNum) == noErr)){
PtoCstr((char *) reply.fName);
save_set(fopen((char *) reply.fName,"w"));
int_error("expecting filename",c_token);
int_error("expecting filename", c_token);
else {
quote_str(sv_file, c_token);
save_set(fopen(sv_file, "w"));
} else if (isstring(c_token)) {
quote_str(sv_file, c_token);
save_all(fopen(sv_file, "w"));
} else {
#ifdef THINK_C
Point where={97,103};
SFReply reply;
SFPutFile(where,NULL, NULL,NULL, &reply);
if( (reply.good) && (SetVol(reply.fName,reply.vRefNum) == noErr)){
PtoCstr((char *) reply.fName);
save_all(fopen((char *) reply.fName,"w"));
"filename or keyword 'functions', 'variables', or 'set' expected",
"filename or keyword 'functions', 'variables', or 'set' expected",
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "l$oad")) {
if (!isstring(++c_token))
#ifdef THINK_C
{ Point where={97,103};
SFReply reply;
SFGetFile(where,NULL, NULL, -1,NULL,NULL, &reply);
if( (reply.good) && (SetVol(reply.fName,reply.vRefNum) == noErr)){
PtoCstr((char *) reply.fName);
strcpy(sv_file,(char *) reply.fName);
printf("loading %s \n",sv_file);
load_file(fopen((char *)reply.fName,"r"),(char *) reply.fName);
c_token = num_tokens = 0;
int_error("expecting filename",c_token);
int_error("expecting filename", c_token);
else {
quote_str(sv_file, c_token);
load_file(fp=fopen(sv_file, "r"), sv_file);
/* input_line[] and token[] now destroyed! */
c_token = num_tokens = 0;
} else if (almost_equals(c_token,"rer$ead")) {
fp = lf_top();
if (fp != (FILE *)NULL) rewind(fp);
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "cd")) {
if (!isstring(++c_token))
int_error("expecting directory name", c_token);
else {
quotel_str(sv_file, c_token);
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(_Windows) || defined(ATARI) || defined(DOS386)
if (!((strlen(sv_file)==2) && isalpha(sv_file[0]) && (sv_file[1]==':')))
if (chdir(sv_file)) {
int_error("Can't change to this directory", c_token);
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(_Windows) || defined(ATARI) || defined(DOS386)
if (isalpha(sv_file[0]) && (sv_file[1]==':')) {
#ifdef ATARI
#if defined(__ZTC__)
(void)dos_setdrive(toupper(sv_file[0]) - 'A' + 1, &dummy);
#if defined(MSDOS) && defined(__EMX__)
#if defined(__MSC__)
#if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(_Windows)) && defined(__TURBOC__)
(void) setdisk(toupper(sv_file[0])-'A');
#ifdef DJGPP
{ union REGS r;
r.h.ah = 0x0e;
r.x.dx = toupper(sv_file[0])-'A';
intdos(&r, &r);
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "pwd")) {
#if defined(unix) && !defined(hpux)
#ifdef GETCWD
(void) getcwd(sv_file, MAX_ID_LEN); /* some Unix's use getcwd */
(void) getwd(sv_file); /* most Unix's use getwd */
#ifdef __EMX__
(void) _getcwd2(sv_file, MAX_ID_LEN);
/* Turbo C and VMS have getcwd() */
(void) getcwd(sv_file, MAX_ID_LEN);
#ifdef DJGPP
{ union REGS r;
r.h.ah = 0x19;
intdos(&r, &r);
fprintf(stderr, "%c:", r.h.al + 'a');
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sv_file);
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "ex$it") ||
almost_equals(c_token, "q$uit")) {
} else if (!equals(c_token, ";")) { /* null statement */
int_error("invalid command", c_token);
char str[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
if (equals(c_token, "["))
int_error("cannot set range with replot", c_token);
capture(str, c_token, num_tokens - 1);
if ((strlen(str) + strlen(replot_line)) <= MAX_LINE_LEN - 1) {
(void) strcat(replot_line, ",");
(void) strcat(replot_line, str);
} else {
int_error("plot line too long with replot arguments", c_token);
(void) strcpy(input_line, replot_line);
screen_ok = FALSE;
num_tokens = scanner(input_line);
c_token = 1; /* skip the 'plot' part */
is_3d_plot ? plot3drequest() : plotrequest();
* In the parametric case we can say plot [a= -4:4] [-2:2] [-1:1] sin(a),a**2
* while in the non-parametric case we would say only plot [b= -2:2] [-1:1]
* sin(b)
TBOOLEAN changed;
int dummy_token = -1;
is_3d_plot = FALSE;
if (parametric && strcmp(dummy_var[0], "u") == 0)
strcpy(dummy_var[0], "t");
autoscale_lt = autoscale_t;
autoscale_lx = autoscale_x;
autoscale_ly = autoscale_y;
if (!term) /* unknown */
int_error("use 'set term' to set terminal type first", c_token);
if (equals(c_token, "[")) {
if (isletter(c_token)) {
if (equals(c_token + 1, "=")) {
dummy_token = c_token;
c_token += 2;
} else {
/* oops; probably an expression with a variable. */
/* Parse it as an xmin expression. */
/* used to be: int_error("'=' expected",c_token); */
changed = parametric ? load_range(&tmin, &tmax) : load_range(&xmin, &xmax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed) {
if (parametric)
autoscale_lt = FALSE;
autoscale_lx = FALSE;
if (parametric && equals(c_token, "[")) { /* set optional x ranges */
changed = load_range(&xmin, &xmax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_lt = FALSE;
autoscale_lx = FALSE;
if (equals(c_token, "[")) { /* set optional y ranges */
changed = load_range(&ymin, &ymax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_ly = FALSE;
/* use the default dummy variable unless changed */
if (dummy_token >= 0)
copy_str(c_dummy_var[0], dummy_token);
(void) strcpy(c_dummy_var[0], dummy_var[0]);
* in the parametric case we would say splot [u= -Pi:Pi] [v= 0:2*Pi] [-1:1]
* [-1:1] [-1:1] sin(v)*cos(u),sin(v)*cos(u),sin(u) in the non-parametric
* case we would say only splot [x= -2:2] [y= -5:5] sin(x)*cos(y)
TBOOLEAN changed;
int dummy_token0 = -1, dummy_token1 = -1;
is_3d_plot = TRUE;
if (parametric && strcmp(dummy_var[0], "t") == 0) {
strcpy(dummy_var[0], "u");
strcpy(dummy_var[1], "v");
autoscale_lx = autoscale_x;
autoscale_ly = autoscale_y;
autoscale_lz = autoscale_z;
if (!term) /* unknown */
int_error("use 'set term' to set terminal type first", c_token);
if (equals(c_token, "[")) {
if (isletter(c_token)) {
if (equals(c_token + 1, "=")) {
dummy_token0 = c_token;
c_token += 2;
} else {
/* oops; probably an expression with a variable. */
/* Parse it as an xmin expression. */
/* used to be: int_error("'=' expected",c_token); */
changed = parametric ? load_range(&umin, &umax) : load_range(&xmin, &xmax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_lu = FALSE;
autoscale_lx = FALSE;
if (equals(c_token, "[")) {
if (isletter(c_token)) {
if (equals(c_token + 1, "=")) {
dummy_token1 = c_token;
c_token += 2;
} else {
/* oops; probably an expression with a variable. */
/* Parse it as an xmin expression. */
/* used to be: int_error("'=' expected",c_token); */
changed = parametric ? load_range(&vmin, &vmax) : load_range(&ymin, &ymax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_lv = FALSE;
autoscale_ly = FALSE;
if (equals(c_token, "[")) { /* set optional x (parametric) or z ranges */
changed = parametric ? load_range(&xmin, &xmax) : load_range(&zmin, &zmax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_lx = FALSE;
autoscale_lz = FALSE;
if (equals(c_token, "[")) { /* set optional y ranges */
changed = load_range(&ymin, &ymax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_ly = FALSE;
if (equals(c_token, "[")) { /* set optional z ranges */
changed = load_range(&zmin, &zmax);
if (!equals(c_token, "]"))
int_error("']' expected", c_token);
if (changed)
autoscale_lz = FALSE;
/* use the default dummy variable unless changed */
if (dummy_token0 >= 0)
copy_str(c_dummy_var[0], dummy_token0);
(void) strcpy(c_dummy_var[0], dummy_var[0]);
if (dummy_token1 >= 0)
copy_str(c_dummy_var[1], dummy_token1);
(void) strcpy(c_dummy_var[1], dummy_var[1]);
register int start_token;/* the 1st token in the function definition */
register struct udvt_entry *udv;
register struct udft_entry *udf;
if (equals(c_token + 1, "(")) {
/* function ! */
int dummy_num = 0;
start_token = c_token;
do {
c_token += 2; /* skip to the next dummy */
copy_str(c_dummy_var[dummy_num++], c_token);
} while (equals(c_token + 1, ",") && (dummy_num < MAX_NUM_VAR));
if (equals(c_token + 1, ","))
int_error("function contains too many parameters", c_token + 2);
c_token += 3; /* skip (, dummy, ) and = */
int_error("function definition expected", c_token);
udf = dummy_func = add_udf(start_token);
if (udf->at) /* already a dynamic a.t. there */
free((char *) udf->at); /* so free it first */
if ((udf->at = perm_at()) == (struct at_type *) NULL)
int_error("not enough memory for function", start_token);
m_capture(&(udf->definition), start_token, c_token - 1);
} else {
/* variable ! */
start_token = c_token;
c_token += 2;
udv = add_udv(start_token);
(void) const_express(&(udv->udv_value));
udv->udv_undef = FALSE;
struct curve_points *this_plot;
register int i, j, l_num, datum;
int fcol[5], scol[5], ncol[5], prevmin, col;
char format[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1], data_file[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1],
line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
/* conversion variables */
int n, m, linestat, using;
char *s;
double val[5], v[5];
float fval[5]; /* for use in sscanf */
/* close forgotten input file (in case of a syntax error) */
if( data_fp ) {
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (pipe_open) {
(void) pclose(data_fp);
pipe_open = FALSE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
(void) fclose(data_fp);
quotel_str(data_file, c_token);
this_plot->plot_type = DATA;
/* if (parametric)
int_error("Parametric data files not yet implemented", NO_CARET);
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (*data_file == '<') {
if ((data_fp = popen(data_file + 1, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL)
os_error("cannot create pipe for data", c_token);
pipe_open = TRUE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
if ((data_fp = fopen(data_file, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL)
os_error("can't open data file", c_token);
format[0] = '\0';
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
fcol[i] = i+1;
using = 0;
c_token++; /* skip data file name */
/* jev -- support for passing data from file thru user function */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "thru$")) {
if (ydata_func.at)
dummy_func = &ydata_func;
ydata_func.at = perm_at();
} else {
if (ydata_func.at)
ydata_func.at = NULL;
if (almost_equals(c_token,"u$sing")) {
using = 1;
c_token++; /* skip "using" */
if (!END_OF_COMMAND && !isstring(c_token)) {
struct value a;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
fcol[i] = -1;
fcol[0] = (int)magnitude(const_express(&a));
for (i=1; equals(c_token,":") && i<5; i++) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
fcol[i] = (int)magnitude(const_express(&a));
if (!END_OF_COMMAND && isstring(c_token)) {
quotel_str(format, c_token);
c_token++; /* skip format */
/* sort fcol[] into scol[] removing duplicates */
prevmin = 0;
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
col = 10000;
for (j=0; j<5; j++)
if ((fcol[j]>prevmin) && (fcol[j]<col))
col = fcol[j];
if (col <10000)
prevmin = scol[i] = col;
scol[i] = 0;
/* normalise fcol[] into ncol[] */
for (i=0; i<5; i++) {
if (fcol[i] > 0)
for (j=0; j<5; j++) {
if (fcol[i] == scol[j])
ncol[i] = j+1;
else if (fcol[i] == 0)
ncol[i] = 0;
ncol[i] = -1;
/* set col to highest column number */
col = 0;
for (i=0; i<5; i++)
if (fcol[i]>col) col=fcol[i];
l_num = 0;
datum = 0;
i = 0;
while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, data_fp) != (char *) NULL) {
if (is_comment(line[0]))
continue; /* ignore comments */
if (i >= this_plot->p_max) {
* overflow about to occur. Extend size of points[] array. We
* either double the size, or add 1000 points, whichever is a
* smaller increment. Note i=p_max.
cp_extend(this_plot, i + (i < 1000 ? i : 1000));
if (!line[1]) { /* is it blank line ? */
/* break in data, make next point undefined */
this_plot->points[i].type = UNDEFINED;
if (strlen(format) != 0) {
/* use old sscanf if a format string was given */
m = sscanf(line, format, &fval[0], &fval[1], &fval[2], &fval[3], &fval[4]);
for (n=0; n<5; n++) /* convert floats from sscanf to double */
val[n] = (double)fval[n];
for (j=0; j<5 && fcol[j]>=0 && fcol[j]-1<m ; j++)
if (fcol[j])
v[j] = val[fcol[j]-1];
v[j] = datum; /* using 0:n */
else {
/* implement our own sscanf that skips lines with invalid data
* if a using statement was given */
/* convert the array to its constituents */
for(n=0; n<5; n++) /* wipe the array */
val[n] = 0.0;
n=0; /* n is column number */
m=0; /* m is number of values read */
linestat = 1; /* linestat: 1 OK 2 bad value 0 EOL */
s = line;
while ((linestat == 1) && (n<col)) {
while (isspace(*s)) s++;
if (*s == '\0') {
linestat = 0;
if (n == scol[m]) {
if (isdigit(*s) || *s=='-' || *s=='+' || *s=='.') {
val[m] = atof(s);
linestat = 2; /* abort the line non-digit in req loc */
while ((!isspace(*s)) && (*s != '\0')) s++;
if (using && (linestat == 2))
continue; /* skip lines where a using pattern is present and not met */
for (j=0; j<5 && ncol[j]>=0 && ncol[j]-1<m ; j++)
if (ncol[j])
v[j] = val[ncol[j]-1];
v[j] = datum; /* using 0:n */
switch (j) {
case 1: { /* only one number */
/* x is index, assign number to y */
/* nobreak */
case 2: { /* x, y */
/* ylow and yhigh are same as y */
store2d_point(this_plot, i++, v[0], v[1], v[1], v[1], -1.0);
case 3: { /* x, y, ydelta */
/* ydelta is in the ylow variable */
store2d_point(this_plot, i++, v[0], v[1], v[1]-v[2], v[1]+v[2], -1.0);
case 4: { /* x, y, ylow, yhigh */
store2d_point(this_plot, i++, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], -1.0);
case 5: { /* x, y, ylow, yhigh, width */
store2d_point(this_plot, i++, v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4]);
default: {
(void) sprintf(line, "bad data on line %d", l_num);
/* close file before exiting to command level */
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (pipe_open) {
(void) pclose(data_fp);
pipe_open = FALSE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
(void) fclose(data_fp);
int_error(line, c_token);
this_plot->p_count = i;
cp_extend(this_plot, i); /* shrink to fit */
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (pipe_open) {
(void) pclose(data_fp);
pipe_open = FALSE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
(void) fclose(data_fp);
/* called by get_data for each point */
store2d_point(this_plot, i, x, y, ylow, yhigh, width)
struct curve_points *this_plot;
int i; /* point number */
double x, y;
double ylow, yhigh;
double width;
struct coordinate GPHUGE *cp = &(this_plot->points[i]);
/* the easy part: */
cp->type = INRANGE;
cp->x = x;
cp->y = y;
cp->ylow = ylow;
cp->yhigh = yhigh;
cp->z = width;
/* jev -- pass data values thru user-defined function */
if (ydata_func.at) {
struct value val;
(void) Gcomplex(&ydata_func.dummy_values[0], y, 0.0);
evaluate_at(ydata_func.at, &val);
cp->y = real(&val);
(void) Gcomplex(&ydata_func.dummy_values[0], ylow, 0.0);
evaluate_at(ydata_func.at, &val);
cp->ylow = real(&val);
(void) Gcomplex(&ydata_func.dummy_values[0], yhigh, 0.0);
evaluate_at(ydata_func.at, &val);
cp->yhigh = real(&val);
/* Adjust for log scale. */
if (is_log_x) {
cp->type = adjustlog(cp->type, &(cp->x), log_base_log_x);
(void) adjustlog(cp->type, &(cp->z), log_base_log_z);
if (is_log_y) {
cp->type = adjustlog(cp->type, &(cp->y), log_base_log_y);
/* Note ylow,yhigh can't affect cp->type. */
(void) adjustlog(cp->type, &(cp->ylow), log_base_log_y);
(void) adjustlog(cp->type, &(cp->yhigh), log_base_log_y);
/* Now adjust the xrange, or declare the point out of range */
* The yrange is handled later, once we know whether to include ylow,
* yhigh in the calculation. See adjust_yrange()
if (cp->type == INRANGE)
if (autoscale_lx || inrange(x, xmin, xmax)) {
if (autoscale_lx) {
if (x < xmin)
xmin = x;
if (x > xmax)
xmax = x;
} else {
cp->type = OUTRANGE;
* Adjust for log scale: take the log of the second parameter, in place, if
* possible. If not possible, return new type for point; if possible, then
* return old type for point. The log is taken to the base implicit in the
* third parameter.
static enum coord_type
adjustlog(type, val, log_base_log)
enum coord_type type;
coordval *val;
double log_base_log;
if (*val < 0.0) {
return (UNDEFINED);
} else if (*val == 0.0) {
*val = -VERYLARGE;
return (OUTRANGE);
} else {
*val = log(*val)/log_base_log;
return (type);
/* now adjust the yrange, or declare the point out of range */
/* this does all points in a curve */
struct curve_points *curve;
TBOOLEAN ebars = (curve->plot_style == ERRORBARS);
int npoints = curve->p_count; /* number of points */
coordval y, ylow, yhigh; /* one point value */
struct coordinate GPHUGE *cp; /* one coordinate */
int i; /* index into points */
for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
cp = &(curve->points[i]);
if (cp->type == INRANGE) {
y = is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, cp->y) : cp->y;
if ((autoscale_ly ||
* inrange((is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, y) : y), ymin, ymax) ||
inrange((y), ymin, ymax) ||
polar)) {
if (autoscale_ly) {
if (y < ymin)
ymin = y;
if (y > ymax)
ymax = y;
if (ebars) {
ylow = is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, cp->ylow) : cp->ylow;
yhigh = is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, cp->yhigh) : cp->yhigh;
if (ylow < ymin)
ymin = ylow;
if (ylow > ymax)
ymax = ylow;
if (yhigh < ymin)
ymin = yhigh;
if (yhigh > ymax)
ymax = yhigh;
} else {
cp->type = OUTRANGE;
struct surface_points *this_plot;
int i, j, k;
double x, y, z, w, dx, dy, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
struct iso_curve *old_iso_crvs = this_plot->iso_crvs;
struct iso_curve *icrv, *oicrv, *oicrvs;
/* Compute XY bounding box on the original data. */
xmin = xmax = old_iso_crvs->points[0].x;
ymin = ymax = old_iso_crvs->points[0].y;
for (icrv = old_iso_crvs; icrv != NULL; icrv = icrv->next) {
struct coordinate GPHUGE *points = icrv->points;
for (i = 0; i < icrv->p_count; i++, points++) {
if (xmin > points->x)
xmin = points->x;
if (xmax < points->x)
xmax = points->x;
if (ymin > points->y)
ymin = points->y;
if (ymax < points->y)
ymax = points->y;
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (dgrid3d_row_fineness - 1);
dy = (ymax - ymin) / (dgrid3d_row_fineness - 1);
/* Create the new grid structure, and compute the low pass filtering from
* non grid to grid structure.
this_plot->iso_crvs = NULL;
this_plot->num_iso_read = dgrid3d_col_fineness;
this_plot->has_grid_topology = TRUE;
for (i = 0, x = xmin; i < dgrid3d_col_fineness; i++, x += dx) {
struct coordinate GPHUGE *points;
icrv = iso_alloc(dgrid3d_row_fineness + 1);
icrv->p_count = dgrid3d_row_fineness;
icrv->next = this_plot->iso_crvs;
this_plot->iso_crvs = icrv;
points = icrv->points;
for (j = 0, y = ymin; j < dgrid3d_row_fineness; j++, y += dy, points++) {
z = w = 0.0;
for (oicrv = old_iso_crvs; oicrv != NULL; oicrv = oicrv->next) {
struct coordinate GPHUGE *opoints = oicrv->points;
for (k = 0; k < oicrv->p_count; k++, opoints++) {
double dist,
dist_x = fabs( opoints->x - x ),
dist_y = fabs( opoints->y - y );
switch (dgrid3d_norm_value) {
case 1:
dist = dist_x + dist_y;
case 2:
dist = dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y;
case 4:
dist = dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y;
dist *= dist;
case 8:
dist = dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y;
dist *= dist;
dist *= dist;
case 16:
dist = dist_x * dist_x + dist_y * dist_y;
dist *= dist;
dist *= dist;
dist *= dist;
dist = pow( dist_x, dgrid3d_norm_value ) +
pow( dist_y, dgrid3d_norm_value );
/* The weight of this point is inverse proportional
* to the distance.
if ( dist == 0.0 )
#ifndef AMIGA_SC_6_1
#else /* AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
/* Multiplying VERYLARGE by opoints->z below
* might yield Inf (i.e. a number that can't
* be represented on the machine). This will
* result in points->z being set to NaN. It's
* better to have a pretty large number that is
* also on the safe side... The numbers that are
* read by gnuplot are float values anyway, so
* they can't be bigger than FLT_MAX. So setting
* dist to FLT_MAX^2 will make dist pretty large
* with respect to any value that has been read. */
dist = ((double)FLT_MAX)*((double)FLT_MAX);
#endif /* AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
dist = 1.0 / dist;
z += opoints->z * dist;
w += dist;
points->x = x;
points->y = y;
points->z = z / w;
points->type = INRANGE;
/* Delete the old non grid data. */
for (oicrvs = old_iso_crvs; oicrvs != NULL;) {
oicrv = oicrvs;
oicrvs = oicrvs->next;
struct surface_points *this_plot;
register int i, j, l_num, xdatum, ydatum;
float x, y, z;
char data_file[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1], line[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
char *float_format = "%f", *float_skip = "%*f";
static TBOOLEAN only_z = FALSE, using_format = FALSE;
static int xcol = 1, ycol = 2, zcol = 3, index = -1;
static char format[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1];
int pt_in_iso_crv = 0, maxcol, num_col;
enum XYZ_order_type {
} xyz_order;
struct iso_curve *this_iso;
/* close forgotten file (in case of a syntax error) */
if (data_fp && !more_data_fp) {
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (pipe_open) {
(void) pclose(data_fp);
pipe_open = FALSE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
(void) fclose(data_fp);
quotel_str(data_file, c_token);
this_plot->plot_type = DATA3D;
this_plot->has_grid_topology = TRUE;
if (!more_data_fp) {
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (*data_file == '<') {
if ((data_fp = popen(data_file + 1, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL)
os_error("cannot create pipe; output not changed", c_token);
pipe_open = TRUE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
if ((data_fp = fopen(data_file, "r")) == (FILE *) NULL)
os_error("can't open data file", c_token);
/* Initialize defualt values. */
only_z = FALSE;
using_format = FALSE;
xcol = 1;
ycol = 2;
zcol = 3;
index = -1;
format[0] = '\0';
c_token++; /* skip data file name */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "i$ndex")) {
struct value a;
c_token++; /* skip "index" */
index = (int) magnitude(const_express(&a));
if (almost_equals(c_token, "u$sing")) {
c_token++; /* skip "using" */
if (!END_OF_COMMAND && !isstring(c_token)) {
struct value a;
zcol = (int) magnitude(const_express(&a));
only_z = TRUE;
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
only_z = FALSE;
ycol = zcol;
zcol = (int) magnitude(const_express(&a));
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
xcol = ycol;
ycol = zcol;
zcol = (int) magnitude(const_express(&a));
} else {
if (mapping3d == MAP3D_CARTESIAN)
int_error("Must specify 1 or 3 columns", c_token);
xcol = ycol;
ycol = zcol;
if (!only_z)
if ((xcol == ycol) || (ycol == zcol) || (xcol == zcol))
int_error("Columns must be distinct", c_token);
if (!END_OF_COMMAND && isstring(c_token)) {
quotel_str(format, c_token);
using_format = TRUE;
c_token++; /* skip format */
} else {
if ( (only_z = !parametric) != FALSE)
zcol = 1;
switch (mapping3d) {
maxcol = (xcol > ycol) ? xcol : ycol;
maxcol = (maxcol > zcol) ? maxcol : zcol;
if (!only_z) { /* Determine ordering of input columns */
if (zcol == maxcol) {
if (xcol < ycol)
xyz_order = XYZ; /* scanf(x,y,z) */
xyz_order = YXZ; /* scanf(y,x,z) */
} else if (ycol == maxcol) {
if (xcol < zcol)
xyz_order = XZY; /* scanf(x,z,y) */
xyz_order = ZXY; /* scanf(z,x,y) */
} else {
if (ycol < zcol)
xyz_order = YZX; /* scanf(y,z,x) */
xyz_order = ZYX; /* scanf(z,y,x) */
if (strlen(format) == 0) {
if (only_z) {
for (i = 1; i <= zcol; i++)
if (i == zcol)
(void) strcat(format, float_format);
(void) strcat(format, float_skip);
} else {
for (i = 1; i <= maxcol; i++)
if ((i == xcol) || (i == ycol) || (i == zcol))
(void) strcat(format, float_format);
(void) strcat(format, float_skip);
if (only_z)
int_error("Two or three columns for spherical/cylindrical coords.", c_token);
maxcol = (xcol > ycol) ? xcol : ycol;
maxcol = (maxcol > zcol) ? maxcol : zcol;
xyz_order = (xcol < ycol) ? XY : YX;
for (i = 1; i <= maxcol; i++)
if ((i == xcol) || (i == ycol))
(void) strcat(format, float_format);
(void) strcat(format, float_skip);
l_num = 0;
xdatum = 0;
ydatum = 0;
this_plot->num_iso_read = 0;
this_plot->has_grid_topology = TRUE;
if (this_plot->iso_crvs != NULL) {
struct iso_curve *icrv, *icrvs = this_plot->iso_crvs;
while (icrvs) {
icrv = icrvs;
icrvs = icrvs->next;
this_plot->iso_crvs = NULL;
if (!more_data_fp && is_binary_file(data_fp)) { /* MOD--RKC */
#if defined(MSDOS)||defined(ATARI)||defined(OS2)||defined(_Windows)||defined(DOS386)
/* file must be opened with binary flag. the old cr/lf problem again */
#ifdef PIPES
if( pipe_open ) {
int_error("binary data from pipes is not implemented", NO_CARET);
data_fp = freopen(data_file, "rb", data_fp);
xdatum = get_binary_data(this_plot, data_fp, &this_iso);
} else {
int last_line_blank = FALSE;
more_data_fp = FALSE;
this_iso = iso_alloc(samples);
if (index > 0) { /* Skip data meshes until mesh index is reached. */
int i = index;
while (i--) {
while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, data_fp) != (char *) NULL) {
if (!line[1]) { /* is it blank line ? */
if (last_line_blank) /* Two consecutive blanks. */
last_line_blank = TRUE;
last_line_blank = FALSE;
if (feof(data_fp))
int_error("mesh index overflow", NO_CARET);
} /* end of index skip */
last_line_blank = FALSE;
while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LEN, data_fp) != (char *) NULL) {
if (is_comment(line[0]))
continue; /* ignore comments */
if (!line[1]) { /* is it blank line ? */
if (last_line_blank) { /* Two consecutive blank lines. */
more_data_fp = TRUE;
last_line_blank = TRUE;
if (pt_in_iso_crv == 0) {
if (xdatum == 0)
pt_in_iso_crv = xdatum;
if (xdatum > 0) {
this_iso->p_count = xdatum;
this_iso->next = this_plot->iso_crvs;
this_plot->iso_crvs = this_iso;
if (xdatum != pt_in_iso_crv)
this_plot->has_grid_topology = FALSE;
this_iso = iso_alloc(pt_in_iso_crv);
xdatum = 0;
last_line_blank = FALSE;
if (xdatum >= this_iso->p_max) {
* overflow about to occur. Extend size of points[] array. We
* either double the size, or add 1000 points, whichever is a
* smaller increment. Note i=p_max.
xdatum + (xdatum < 1000 ? xdatum : 1000));
switch (num_col = sscanf(line, format, &x, &y, &z)) {
case 3: /* All parameter are specified. */
if (!only_z || using_format) {
switch (xyz_order) {
case XYZ: /* scanf(x,y,z) */
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = x;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = y;
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = z;
case XZY: /* scanf(x,z,y) */
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = x;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = z;
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = y;
case YXZ: /* scanf(y,x,z) */
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = y;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = x;
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = z;
case ZXY: /* scanf(z,x,y) */
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = y;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = z;
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = x;
case YZX: /* scanf(y,z,x) */
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = z;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = x;
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = y;
case ZYX: /* scanf(z,y,x) */
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = z;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = y;
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = x;
if (xyz_order != XYZ) {
x = this_iso->points[xdatum].x;
y = this_iso->points[xdatum].y;
z = this_iso->points[xdatum].z;
if (!parametric)
int_error("Must be in parametric mode.",
case 1: /* only one number on the line */
if (!only_z && !using_format)
int_error("3 columns expected, only 1 found", c_token);
/* assign that number to z */
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = x;
z = x;
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = xdatum;
x = this_iso->points[xdatum].x;
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = ydatum;
y = this_iso->points[xdatum].y;
if (parametric)
int_error("Must be in non parametric mode.",
case 2:
switch (xyz_order) {
case YX:
z = x; /* Use z as temp */
x = y;
y = z;
switch (mapping3d) {
int_error("2 columns found, 1 or 3 expected",
if (angles_format == ANGLES_DEGREES) {
x *= DEG2RAD; /* Convert to radians. */
y *= DEG2RAD;
if( num_col == 2) z = 1.0;
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = z*cos(x) * cos(y);
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = z*sin(x) * cos(y);
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = z*sin(y);
if (angles_format == ANGLES_DEGREES)
x *= DEG2RAD; /* Convert to radians. */
if( num_col == 2) z = 1.0;
this_iso->points[xdatum].x = z*cos(x);
this_iso->points[xdatum].y = z*sin(x);
this_iso->points[xdatum].z = y;
x = this_iso->points[xdatum].x;
y = this_iso->points[xdatum].y;
z = this_iso->points[xdatum].z;
(void) sprintf(line, "bad data on line %d", l_num);
int_error(line, c_token);
if (is_log_x) {
if (x <= 0.0)
int_error("X value must be above 0 for log scale!",
this_iso->points[xdatum].x =
if (is_log_y) {
if (y <= 0.0)
int_error("Y value must be above 0 for log scale!",
this_iso->points[xdatum].y =
if (is_log_z) {
if (z <= 0.0)
int_error("Z value must be above 0 for log scale!",
this_iso->points[xdatum].z =
if (autoscale_lx) {
if (x < xmin)
xmin = x;
if (x > xmax)
xmax = x;
if (autoscale_ly) {
if (y < ymin)
ymin = y;
if (y > ymax)
ymax = y;
if (autoscale_lz) {
if (z < zmin)
zmin = z;
if (z > zmax)
zmax = z;
} /* end of while loop */
if (xdatum > 0) {
this_plot->num_iso_read++; /* Update last iso. */
this_iso->p_count = xdatum;
this_iso->next = this_plot->iso_crvs;
this_plot->iso_crvs = this_iso;
if (xdatum != pt_in_iso_crv)
this_plot->has_grid_topology = FALSE;
} else {
iso_free(this_iso); /* Free last allocation. */
} /* MOD-RKC else of binary */
if (index >= 0) more_data_fp = FALSE; /* Only one data set please. */
if (!more_data_fp) {
if (this_plot->num_iso_read <= 1)
this_plot->has_grid_topology = FALSE;
#if defined(unix) || defined(PIPES)
if (pipe_open) {
if (this_plot->has_grid_topology && !hidden3d) {
(void) pclose(data_fp);
pipe_open = FALSE;
} else
#endif /* unix || PIPES */
(void) fclose(data_fp);
data_fp = NULL;
if (dgrid3d) grid_nongrid_data(this_plot);
if (this_plot->num_iso_read <= 1)
this_plot->has_grid_topology = FALSE;
if (this_plot->has_grid_topology && !hidden3d) {
struct iso_curve *new_icrvs = NULL;
int num_new_iso = this_plot->iso_crvs->p_count, len_new_iso = this_plot->num_iso_read;
/* Now we need to set the other direction (pseudo) isolines. */
for (i = 0; i < num_new_iso; i++) {
struct iso_curve *new_icrv = iso_alloc(len_new_iso);
new_icrv->p_count = len_new_iso;
for (j = 0, this_iso = this_plot->iso_crvs;
this_iso != NULL;
j++, this_iso = this_iso->next) {
new_icrv->points[j].x = this_iso->points[i].x;
new_icrv->points[j].y = this_iso->points[i].y;
new_icrv->points[j].z = this_iso->points[i].z;
new_icrv->next = new_icrvs;
new_icrvs = new_icrv;
/* Append the new iso curves after the read ones. */
for (this_iso = this_plot->iso_crvs;
this_iso->next != NULL;
this_iso = this_iso->next);
this_iso->next = new_icrvs;
* print_points: a debugging routine to print out the points of a curve, and
* the curve structure. If curve<0, then we print the list of curves.
static char *plot_type_names[4] =
"Function", "Data", "3D Function", "3d data"
static char *plot_style_names[6] =
"Lines", "Points", "Impulses", "LinesPoints", "Dots", "Errorbars"
int curve; /* which curve to print */
register struct curve_points *this_plot;
int i;
if (curve < 0) {
for (this_plot = first_plot, i = 0;
this_plot != NULL;
i++, this_plot = this_plot->next_cp) {
printf("Curve %d:\n", i);
if ((int) this_plot->plot_type >= 0 && (int) (this_plot->plot_type) < 4)
printf("Plot type %d: %s\n", (int) (this_plot->plot_type),
plot_type_names[(int) (this_plot->plot_type)]);
printf("Plot type %d: BAD\n", (int) (this_plot->plot_type));
if ((int) this_plot->plot_style >= 0 && (int) (this_plot->plot_style) < 6)
printf("Plot style %d: %s\n", (int) (this_plot->plot_style),
plot_style_names[(int) (this_plot->plot_style)]);
printf("Plot style %d: BAD\n", (int) (this_plot->plot_style));
printf("Plot title: '%s'\n", this_plot->title);
printf("Line type %d\n", this_plot->line_type);
printf("Point type %d\n", this_plot->point_type);
printf("max points %d\n", this_plot->p_max);
printf("current points %d\n", this_plot->p_count);
} else {
for (this_plot = first_plot, i = 0;
i < curve && this_plot != NULL;
i++, this_plot = this_plot->next_cp);
if (this_plot == NULL)
printf("Curve %d does not exist; list has %d curves\n", curve, i);
else {
printf("Curve %d, %d points\n", curve, this_plot->p_count);
for (i = 0; i < this_plot->p_count; i++) {
printf("%c x=%g y=%g z=%g ylow=%g yhigh=%g\n",
this_plot->points[i].type == INRANGE ? 'i'
: this_plot->points[i].type == OUTRANGE ? 'o'
: 'u',
#ifdef THINK_C_2
register struct curve_points *this_plot;
int i, curve;
for (this_plot = first_plot, curve = 0; this_plot != NULL;
curve++, this_plot = this_plot->next_cp) {
fprintf(outfile, "Curve %d, %d points\n", curve, this_plot->p_count);
for (i = 0; i < this_plot->p_count; i++) {
fprintf(outfile, "%c x=%g y=%g\n",
this_plot->points[i].type == INRANGE ? 'i'
: this_plot->points[i].type == OUTRANGE ? 'o'
: 'u',
fprintf(outfile, "\n");
int pcount;
register struct surface_points *this_plot;
int i, curve,surface;
struct iso_curve *icrvs;
struct coordinate GPHUGE *points;
for (surface=0, this_plot=first_3dplot ; surface < pcount;
this_plot=this_plot->next_sp, surface++){
fprintf(outfile, "\nSurface %d of %d surfaces\n", surface, pcount);
icrvs = this_plot->iso_crvs;
curve = 0;
fprintf(outfile, "\nIsoCurve %d, %d points\n", curve, icrvs->p_count);
for(i=0, points = icrvs->points; i < icrvs->p_count; i++){
fprintf(outfile, "%c x=%g y=%g z=%g\n",
points[i].type == INRANGE ? 'i'
: points[i].type == OUTRANGE ? 'o'
: 'u',
icrvs = icrvs->next;
fprintf(outfile, "\n");
* This parses the plot command after any range specifications. To support
* autoscaling on the x axis, we want any data files to define the x range,
* then to plot any functions using that range. We thus parse the input
* twice, once to pick up the data files, and again to pick up the functions.
* Definitions are processed twice, but that won't hurt.
register int i;
register struct curve_points *this_plot, **tp_ptr;
register int start_token, end_token;
register int begin_token;
double x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max;
register double x, xdiff, temp;
static struct value a;
TBOOLEAN ltmp, some_data_files = FALSE,is_log_func = FALSE;
int plot_num, line_num, point_num, xparam = 0;
char *xtitle;
void parametric_fixup();
/* Reset first_plot. This is usually done at the end of this function.
If there is an error within this function, the memory is left allocated,
since we cannot call cp_free if the list is incomplete. Making sure that
the list structure is always vaild requires some rewriting */
if (autoscale_ly) {
ymax = -VERYLARGE;
} else if (is_log_y && (ymin <= 0.0 || ymax <= 0.0))
int_error("y range must be above 0 for log scale!",
tp_ptr = &(first_plot);
plot_num = 0;
line_num = 0; /* default line type */
point_num = 0; /* default point type */
xtitle = NULL;
begin_token = c_token;
/*** First Pass: Read through data files ***
* This pass serves to set the xrange and to parse the command, as well
* as filling in every thing except the function data. That is done after
* the xrange is defined.
while (TRUE) {
int_error("function to plot expected", c_token);
start_token = c_token;
if (is_definition(c_token)) {
} else {
if (isstring(c_token)) { /* data file to plot */
if (parametric && xparam)
int_error("previous parametric function not fully specified",
if (!some_data_files && autoscale_lx) {
xmax = -VERYLARGE;
some_data_files = TRUE;
if (*tp_ptr)
this_plot = *tp_ptr;
else { /* no memory malloc()'d there yet */
this_plot = cp_alloc(MIN_CRV_POINTS);
*tp_ptr = this_plot;
this_plot->plot_type = DATA;
this_plot->plot_style = data_style;
end_token = c_token;
get_data(this_plot); /* this also parses the using option */
} else { /* function to plot */
if (parametric) /* working on x parametric function */
xparam = 1 - xparam;
if (*tp_ptr) {
this_plot = *tp_ptr;
cp_extend(this_plot, samples + 1);
} else { /* no memory malloc()'d there yet */
this_plot = cp_alloc(samples + 1);
*tp_ptr = this_plot;
this_plot->plot_type = FUNC;
this_plot->plot_style = func_style;
dummy_func = &plot_func;
plot_func.at = temp_at();
/* ignore it for now */
end_token = c_token - 1;
if (almost_equals(c_token, "t$itle")) {
if (parametric) {
if (xparam)
"\"title\" allowed only after parametric function fully specified",
else if (xtitle != NULL)
xtitle[0] = '\0'; /* Remove default title . */
if (isstring(c_token)) {
m_quote_capture(&(this_plot->title), c_token, c_token);
} else {
int_error("expecting \"title\" for plot", c_token);
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "not$itle")) {
} else {
m_capture(&(this_plot->title), start_token, end_token);
if (xparam)
xtitle = this_plot->title;
this_plot->line_type = line_num;
this_plot->point_type = point_num;
if (almost_equals(c_token, "w$ith")) {
if (parametric && xparam)
int_error("\"with\" allowed only after parametric function fully specified",
this_plot->plot_style = get_style();
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
this_plot->line_type = (int) real(const_express(&t)) - 1;
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
this_plot->point_type = (int) real(const_express(&t)) - 1;
if ((this_plot->plot_style == POINTSTYLE) ||
(this_plot->plot_style == LINESPOINTS) ||
(this_plot->plot_style == ERRORBARS))
if (!xparam)
if (!xparam)
if (this_plot->plot_type == DATA)
/* now that we know the plot style, adjust the yrange */
tp_ptr = &(this_plot->next_cp);
if (equals(c_token, ","))
if (parametric && xparam)
int_error("parametric function not fully specified", NO_CARET);
if (parametric) {
/* Swap t and x ranges for duration of these eval_plot computations. */
ltmp = autoscale_lx;
autoscale_lx = autoscale_lt;
autoscale_lt = ltmp;
temp = xmin;
xmin = tmin;
tmin = temp;
temp = xmax;
xmax = tmax;
tmax = temp;
/*** Second Pass: Evaluate the functions ***/
* Everything is defined now, except the function data. We expect no
* syntax errors, etc, since the above parsed it all. This makes the code
* below simpler. If autoscale_ly, the yrange may still change.
if (fabs(xmax - xmin) < zero)
if (autoscale_lx) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty %c range [%g:%g], ",
parametric ? 't' : 'x', xmin, xmax);
if (fabs(xmin) < zero) {
/* completely arbitary */
xmin = -1.;
xmax = 1.;
} else {
/* expand range by 10% in either direction */
xmin = xmin * 0.9;
xmax = xmax * 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", xmin, xmax);
} else {
int_error("x range is less than `zero`", c_token);
/* give error if xrange badly set from missing datafile error */
if (xmin == VERYLARGE || xmax == -VERYLARGE) {
int_error("x range is invalid", c_token);
if (is_log_x) {
if (xmin <= 0.0 || xmax <= 0.0)
int_error("x range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
x_min = log(xmin)/log_base_log_x;
x_max = log(xmax)/log_base_log_x;
} else {
x_min = xmin;
x_max = xmax;
xdiff = (x_max - x_min) / (samples - 1);
tp_ptr = &(first_plot);
plot_num = 0;
this_plot = first_plot;
c_token = begin_token; /* start over */
/* Read through functions */
while (TRUE) {
if (is_definition(c_token)) {
} else {
if (isstring(c_token)) { /* data file to plot */
/* ignore this now */
* jev -- support for passing data from file thru user
* function
if (almost_equals(c_token, "thru$")) {
struct udft_entry tmp;
dummy_func = &tmp;
(void) temp_at();
if (almost_equals(c_token, "u$sing")) {
c_token++; /* skip "using" */
if (!isstring(c_token)) {
struct value a;
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip xcol */
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip ycol */
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip yemin */
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip yemax */
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip wcol */
if (isstring(c_token))
c_token++; /* skip format string */
} else { /* function to plot */
if (parametric) /* working on x parametric function */
xparam = 1 - xparam;
dummy_func = &plot_func;
plot_func.at = temp_at(); /* reparse function */
for (i = 0; i < samples; i++) {
x = x_min + i * xdiff;
/* if (is_log_x) PEM fix logscale x axis */
/* x = pow(base_log_x,x); 26-Sep-89 */
(void) Gcomplex(&plot_func.dummy_values[0],
is_log_x ? pow(base_log_x, x) : x,
evaluate_at(plot_func.at, &a);
if (undefined || (fabs(imag(&a)) > zero)) {
this_plot->points[i].type = UNDEFINED;
temp = real(&a);
if (is_log_func && temp < 0.0) {
this_plot->points[i].type = UNDEFINED;
this_plot->points[i].x = x;
this_plot->points[i].z = -1.0; /* width of box not specified */
if (is_log_func) {
if (temp == 0.0) {
this_plot->points[i].type = OUTRANGE;
this_plot->points[i].y = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
this_plot->points[i].y = log(temp)/log_base_log_y;
} else
this_plot->points[i].y = temp;
if (autoscale_ly || polar
|| inrange(temp, ymin, ymax)) {
this_plot->points[i].type = INRANGE;
/* When xparam is 1 we are not really computing y's! */
if (!xparam && autoscale_ly) {
if (temp < ymin)
ymin = temp;
if (temp > ymax)
ymax = temp;
} else
this_plot->points[i].type = OUTRANGE;
this_plot->p_count = i; /* samples */
/* title was handled above */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "t$itle")) {
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "not$itle")) {
/* style was handled above */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "w$ith")) {
/* line and point types were handled above */
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
(void) real(const_express(&t));
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
(void) real(const_express(&t));
tp_ptr = &(this_plot->next_cp); /* used below */
this_plot = this_plot->next_cp;
if (equals(c_token, ","))
/* throw out all curve_points at end of list, that we don't need */
*tp_ptr = NULL;
/* if first_plot is NULL, we have no functions or data at all. This can
happen, if you type "plot x=5", since x=5 is a variable assignment */
if(first_plot==NULL) {
int_error("no functions or data to plot", c_token);
if (fabs(ymax - ymin) < zero)
/* if autoscale, widen range */
if (autoscale_ly) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty y range [%g:%g], ", ymin, ymax);
if (fabs(ymin) < zero) {
ymin = -1.;
ymax = 1.;
} else {
/* expand range by 10% in either direction */
ymin = ymin * 0.9;
ymax = ymax * 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", ymin, ymax);
} else {
int_error("y range is less than `zero`", c_token);
/* Now we finally know the real ymin and ymax */
if (is_log_y) {
y_min = log(ymin)/log_base_log_y;
y_max = log(ymax)/log_base_log_y;
} else {
y_min = ymin;
y_max = ymax;
/* Set a flag so capture is not invoked by replot itself. -hmh */
if (plot_token != -1) {
capture(replot_line, plot_token, c_token);
plot_token = -1;
if (parametric) {
/* Now put t and x ranges back before we actually plot anything. */
ltmp = autoscale_lx;
autoscale_lx = autoscale_lt;
autoscale_lt = ltmp;
temp = xmin;
xmin = tmin;
tmin = temp;
temp = xmax;
xmax = tmax;
tmax = temp;
if (some_data_files && autoscale_lx) {
* Stop any further autoscaling in this case (may be a mistake,
* have to consider what is really wanted some day in the
* future--jdc).
autoscale_lx = 0;
/* Now actually fix the plot pairs to be single plots. */
parametric_fixup(first_plot, &plot_num, &x_min, &x_max);
if (strcmp(term_tbl[term].name, "table") == 0)
do_plot(first_plot, plot_num, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max);
first_plot = NULL;
static void
parse_title(crnt_param, start_token, end_token,
xtitle, ytitle, this_plot, do_parse)
int crnt_param, start_token, end_token;
char **xtitle, **ytitle;
struct surface_points *this_plot;
TBOOLEAN do_parse;
static char title[256];
if (do_parse) {
if (almost_equals(c_token, "t$itle")) {
if (parametric) {
if (crnt_param)
int_error("\"title\" allowed only after parametric function fully specified",
else {
/* Remove default title */
if (*xtitle != NULL)
(*xtitle)[0] = '\0';
if (*ytitle != NULL)
(*ytitle)[0] = '\0';
if (isstring(c_token)) {
m_quote_capture(&(this_plot->title), c_token, c_token);
} else {
int_error("expecting \"title\" for plot", c_token);
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "not$itle")) {
} else {
m_capture(&(this_plot->title), start_token, end_token);
if (crnt_param == 1)
*xtitle = this_plot->title;
if (crnt_param == 2)
*ytitle = this_plot->title;
else {
#ifdef THINK_C
this_plot->title = alloc(strlen(title) + 1,"string");
this_plot->title = alloc(strlen(title) + 1);
strcpy(this_plot->title, title);
* This parses the splot command after any range specifications. To support
* autoscaling on the x/z axis, we want any data files to define the x/y
* range, then to plot any functions using that range. We thus parse the
* input twice, once to pick up the data files, and again to pick up the
* functions. Definitions are processed twice, but that won't hurt.
register int i, j;
register struct surface_points *this_plot=NULL, **tp_3d_ptr;
register int start_token, end_token;
register int begin_token;
double x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max;
register double x, xdiff, xisodiff, y, ydiff, yisodiff, temp;
static struct value a;
TBOOLEAN ltmp, some_data_files = FALSE,is_log_func = FALSE;
int plot_num, line_num, point_num, crnt_param = 0; /* 0=z, 1=x, 2=y */
char *xtitle;
char *ytitle;
void parametric_3dfixup();
/* Reset first_3dplot. This is usually done at the end of this function.
If there is an error within this function, the memory is left allocated,
since we cannot call sp_free if the list is incomplete */
if (autoscale_lz) {
zmax = -VERYLARGE;
} else if (is_log_z && (zmin <= 0.0 || zmax <= 0.0))
int_error("z range must be above 0 for log scale!",
tp_3d_ptr = &(first_3dplot);
plot_num = 0;
line_num = 0; /* default line type */
point_num = 0; /* default point type */
xtitle = NULL;
ytitle = NULL;
begin_token = c_token;
/*** First Pass: Read through data files ***/
* This pass serves to set the x/yranges and to parse the command, as
* well as filling in every thing except the function data. That is done
* after the x/yrange is defined.
while (TRUE) {
int_error("function to plt3d expected", c_token);
start_token = c_token;
if (is_definition(c_token)) {
} else {
if (isstring(c_token)) { /* data file to plot */
int line_type = line_num,
point_type = point_num,
plot_style = data_style,
first_mesh = TRUE;
if (parametric && crnt_param != 0)
int_error("previous parametric function not fully specified",
if (!some_data_files) {
if (autoscale_lx) {
xmax = -VERYLARGE;
if (autoscale_ly) {
ymax = -VERYLARGE;
some_data_files = TRUE;
do {
if (*tp_3d_ptr)
this_plot = *tp_3d_ptr;
else { /* no memory malloc()'d there yet */
/* Allocate enough isosamples and samples */
this_plot = sp_alloc(0, 0, 0, 0);
*tp_3d_ptr = this_plot;
this_plot->plot_type = DATA3D;
end_token = c_token;
/* this also parses index/using option */
parse_title(crnt_param, start_token, end_token,
&xtitle, &ytitle, this_plot, first_mesh);
if (!first_mesh) plot_num++;
if (first_mesh) {
if (almost_equals(c_token, "w$ith")) {
plot_style = this_plot->plot_style = get_style();
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
line_type = (int) real(const_express(&t)) - 1;
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
point_type = (int) real(const_express(&t)) - 1;
first_mesh = FALSE;
this_plot->line_type = line_type;
this_plot->point_type = point_type;
this_plot->plot_style = plot_style;
tp_3d_ptr = &(this_plot->next_sp);
while (more_data_fp);
} else { /* function to plot */
if (parametric) /* Rotate between x/y/z axes */
crnt_param = (crnt_param + 1) % 3;
if (*tp_3d_ptr) {
this_plot = *tp_3d_ptr;
if (!hidden3d)
sp_replace(this_plot, samples_1, iso_samples_1,
samples_2, iso_samples_2);
sp_replace(this_plot, iso_samples_1, 0,
0, iso_samples_2);
} else { /* no memory malloc()'d there yet */
/* Allocate enough isosamples and samples */
if (!hidden3d)
this_plot = sp_alloc(samples_1, iso_samples_1,
samples_2, iso_samples_2);
this_plot = sp_alloc(iso_samples_1, 0,
0, iso_samples_2);
*tp_3d_ptr = this_plot;
this_plot->plot_type = FUNC3D;
this_plot->has_grid_topology = TRUE;
this_plot->plot_style = func_style;
dummy_func = &plot_func;
plot_func.at = temp_at();
/* ignore it for now */
end_token = c_token - 1;
parse_title(crnt_param, start_token, end_token,
&xtitle, &ytitle, this_plot, TRUE);
this_plot->line_type = line_num;
this_plot->point_type = point_num;
if (almost_equals(c_token, "w$ith")) {
this_plot->plot_style = get_style();
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
this_plot->line_type = (int) real(const_express(&t)) - 1;
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
this_plot->point_type = (int) real(const_express(&t)) - 1;
tp_3d_ptr = &(this_plot->next_sp);
if ((this_plot->plot_style == POINTSTYLE) ||
(this_plot->plot_style == LINESPOINTS) ||
(this_plot->plot_style == ERRORBARS))
if (crnt_param == 0)
point_num +=
1 + (draw_contour != 0)
+ (hidden3d != 0);
if (crnt_param == 0)
line_num += 1 + (draw_contour != 0)
+ (hidden3d != 0);
if (equals(c_token, ","))
if (parametric && crnt_param != 0)
int_error("parametric function not fully specified", NO_CARET);
if (parametric) {
* Swap u/v and x/y ranges for duration of these eval_plot
* computations.
ltmp = autoscale_lx;
autoscale_lx = autoscale_lu;
autoscale_lu = ltmp;
ltmp = autoscale_ly;
autoscale_ly = autoscale_lv;
autoscale_lv = ltmp;
temp = xmin;
xmin = umin;
umin = temp;
temp = xmax;
xmax = umax;
umax = temp;
temp = ymin;
ymin = vmin;
vmin = temp;
temp = ymax;
ymax = vmax;
vmax = temp;
/*** Second Pass: Evaluate the functions ***/
* Everything is defined now, except the function data. We expect no
* syntax errors, etc, since the above parsed it all. This makes the code
* below simpler. If autoscale_ly, the yrange may still change.
if (xmin == xmax)
if (autoscale_lx) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty x range [%g:%g], ",
xmin, xmax);
if (xmin == 0.0) {
/* completely arbitary */
xmin = -1.;
xmax = 1.;
} else {
/* expand range by 10% in either direction */
xmin = xmin * 0.9;
xmax = xmax * 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", xmin, xmax);
} else {
int_error("x range is empty", c_token);
if (ymin == ymax)
if (autoscale_ly) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty y range [%g:%g], ",
ymin, ymax);
if (ymin == 0.0) {
/* completely arbitary */
ymin = -1.;
ymax = 1.;
} else {
/* expand range by 10% in either direction */
ymin = ymin * 0.9;
ymax = ymax * 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", ymin, ymax);
} else {
int_error("y range is empty", c_token);
/* give error if xrange badly set from missing datafile error */
if (xmin == VERYLARGE || xmax == -VERYLARGE) {
int_error("x range is invalid", c_token);
if (is_log_x) {
if (xmin <= 0.0 || xmax <= 0.0)
int_error("x range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
x_min = log(xmin)/log_base_log_x;
x_max = log(xmax)/log_base_log_x;
} else {
x_min = xmin;
x_max = xmax;
/* give error if yrange badly set from previous error */
if (ymin == VERYLARGE || ymax == -VERYLARGE) {
int_error("y range is invalid", c_token);
if (is_log_y) {
if (ymin <= 0.0 || ymax <= 0.0)
int_error("y range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
y_min = log(ymin)/log_base_log_y;
y_max = log(ymax)/log_base_log_y;
} else {
y_min = ymin;
y_max = ymax;
if (samples_1 < 2 || samples_2 < 2 || iso_samples_1 < 2 || iso_samples_2 < 2)
int_error("samples or iso_samples < 2. Must be at least 2.", NO_CARET);
if (this_plot && this_plot->has_grid_topology && hidden3d) {
xdiff = (x_max - x_min) / (iso_samples_1 - 1);
ydiff = (y_max - y_min) / (iso_samples_2 - 1);
} else {
xdiff = (x_max - x_min) / (samples_1 - 1);
ydiff = (y_max - y_min) / (samples_2 - 1);
xisodiff = (x_max - x_min) / (iso_samples_1 - 1);
yisodiff = (y_max - y_min) / (iso_samples_2 - 1);
this_plot = first_3dplot;
c_token = begin_token; /* start over */
/* Read through functions */
while (TRUE) {
if (is_definition(c_token)) {
} else {
if (isstring(c_token)) { /* data file to plot */
/* ignore this now */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "i$ndex")) {
struct value a;
int index;
c_token++; /* skip "index" */
index = (int) magnitude(const_express(&a));
if (almost_equals(c_token, "u$sing")) {
c_token++; /* skip "using" */
if (!isstring(c_token)) {
struct value a;
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip xcol */
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip ycol */
if (equals(c_token, ":")) {
c_token++; /* skip ":" */
(void) magnitude(const_express(&a)); /* skip zcol */
if (isstring(c_token))
c_token++; /* skip format string */
} else { /* function to plot */
struct iso_curve *this_iso = this_plot->iso_crvs;
struct coordinate GPHUGE *points = this_iso->points;
int num_sam_to_use, num_iso_to_use;
if (parametric)
crnt_param = (crnt_param + 1) % 3;
dummy_func = &plot_func;
plot_func.at = temp_at(); /* reparse function */
num_iso_to_use = iso_samples_2;
if (!(this_plot->has_grid_topology && hidden3d))
num_sam_to_use = samples_1;
num_sam_to_use = iso_samples_1;
for (j = 0; j < num_iso_to_use; j++) {
y = y_min + j * yisodiff;
/* if (is_log_y) PEM fix logscale y axis */
/* y = pow(log_base_log_y,y); 26-Sep-89 */
(void) Gcomplex(&plot_func.dummy_values[1],
is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, y) : y,
for (i = 0; i < num_sam_to_use; i++) {
x = x_min + i * xdiff;
/* if (is_log_x) PEM fix logscale x axis */
/* x = pow(base_log_x,x); 26-Sep-89 */
(void) Gcomplex(&plot_func.dummy_values[0],
is_log_x ? pow(base_log_x, x) : x,
points[i].x = x;
points[i].y = y;
evaluate_at(plot_func.at, &a);
if (undefined || (fabs(imag(&a)) > zero)) {
points[i].type = UNDEFINED;
temp = real(&a);
if (is_log_func && temp < 0.0) {
points[i].type = UNDEFINED;
if (is_log_func) {
if (temp == 0.0) {
points[i].type = OUTRANGE;
points[i].z = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
points[i].z = log(temp)/log_base_log_z;
} else
points[i].z = temp;
if (autoscale_lz || inrange(temp, zmin, zmax)) {
points[i].type = INRANGE;
if (autoscale_lz) {
if (temp < zmin)
zmin = temp;
if (temp > zmax)
zmax = temp;
} else
points[i].type = OUTRANGE;
this_iso->p_count = num_sam_to_use;
this_iso = this_iso->next;
points = this_iso? this_iso->points: NULL;
if (!(this_plot->has_grid_topology && hidden3d)) {
num_iso_to_use = iso_samples_1;
num_sam_to_use = samples_2;
for (i = 0; i < num_iso_to_use; i++) {
x = x_min + i * xisodiff;
/* if (is_log_x) PEM fix logscale x axis */
/* x = pow(base_log_x,x); 26-Sep-89 */
(void) Gcomplex(&plot_func.dummy_values[0],
is_log_x ? pow(base_log_x, x) : x,
for (j = 0; j < num_sam_to_use; j++) {
y = y_min + j * ydiff;
/* if (is_log_y) PEM fix logscale y axis */
/* y = pow(base_log_y,y); 26-Sep-89 */
(void) Gcomplex(&plot_func.dummy_values[1],
is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, y) : y,
points[j].x = x;
points[j].y = y;
evaluate_at(plot_func.at, &a);
if (undefined || (fabs(imag(&a)) > zero)) {
points[j].type = UNDEFINED;
temp = real(&a);
if (is_log_func && temp < 0.0) {
points[j].type = UNDEFINED;
if (is_log_func) {
if (temp == 0.0) {
points[j].type = OUTRANGE;
points[j].z = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
points[j].z = log(temp)/log_base_log_z;
} else
points[j].z = temp;
if (autoscale_lz
|| inrange(temp, zmin, zmax)) {
points[j].type = INRANGE;
if (autoscale_lz) {
if (temp < zmin)
zmin = temp;
if (temp > zmax)
zmax = temp;
} else
points[j].type = OUTRANGE;
this_iso->p_count = num_sam_to_use;
this_iso = this_iso->next;
points = this_iso ? this_iso->points : NULL;
/* title was handled above */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "t$itle")) {
} else if (almost_equals(c_token, "not$itle")) {
/* style was handled above */
if (almost_equals(c_token, "w$ith")) {
/* line and point types were handled above */
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
(void) real(const_express(&t));
if (!equals(c_token, ",") && !END_OF_COMMAND) {
struct value t;
(void) real(const_express(&t));
this_plot = this_plot->next_sp;
if (equals(c_token, ","))
/* if first_3dplot is NULL, we have no functions or data at all. This can
happen, if you type "splot x=5", since x=5 is a variable assignment */
if(first_3dplot==NULL) {
int_error("no functions or data to plot", c_token);
if (fabs(zmax - zmin) < zero)
/* if autoscale, widen range */
if (autoscale_lz) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: empty z range [%g:%g], ", zmin, zmax);
if (fabs(zmin) < zero) {
zmin = -1.;
zmax = 1.;
} else {
/* expand range by 10% in either direction */
zmin = zmin * 0.9;
zmax = zmax * 1.1;
fprintf(stderr, "adjusting to [%g:%g]\n", zmin, zmax);
} else {
int_error("z range is less than `zero`", c_token);
/* Now we finally know the real zmin and zmax */
if (is_log_z) {
if (zmin <= 0.0 || zmax <= 0.0)
int_error("z range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
z_min = log(zmin)/log_base_log_z;
z_max = log(zmax)/log_base_log_z;
} else {
z_min = zmin;
z_max = zmax;
/* Set a flag so capture is not invoked by replot itself. -hmh */
if (plot_token != -1) {
capture(replot_line, plot_token, c_token);
plot_token = -1;
if (parametric) {
/* Now put u/v and x/y ranges back before we actually plot anything. */
ltmp = autoscale_lx;
autoscale_lx = autoscale_lu;
autoscale_lu = ltmp;
ltmp = autoscale_ly;
autoscale_ly = autoscale_lv;
autoscale_lv = ltmp;
temp = xmin;
xmin = umin;
umin = temp;
temp = xmax;
xmax = umax;
umax = temp;
temp = ymin;
ymin = vmin;
vmin = temp;
temp = ymax;
ymax = vmax;
vmax = temp;
/* Now actually fix the plot triplets to be single plots. */
parametric_3dfixup(first_3dplot, &plot_num,
&x_min, &x_max, &y_min, &y_max,
&z_min, &z_max);
if (is_log_x) {
if (x_min <= 0.0 || x_max <= 0.0)
int_error("x range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
x_min = log(x_min)/log_base_log_x;
x_max = log(x_max)/log_base_log_x;
if (is_log_y) {
if (y_min <= 0.0 || y_max <= 0.0)
int_error("y range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
y_min = log(y_min)/log_base_log_y;
y_max = log(y_max)/log_base_log_y;
if (is_log_z) {
if (z_min <= 0.0 || z_max <= 0.0)
int_error("z range must be greater than 0 for log scale!", NO_CARET);
z_min = log(z_min)/log_base_log_z;
z_max = log(z_max)/log_base_log_z;
/* Filter out empty meshes. */
while (first_3dplot &&
first_3dplot->num_iso_read == 0 &&
first_3dplot->plot_type == DATA3D) {
struct surface_points *plt = first_3dplot->next_sp;
first_3dplot->next_sp = NULL;
first_3dplot = plt;
if (first_3dplot != NULL) {
struct surface_points *plt1, *plt2;
for (plt1 = first_3dplot, plt2 = plt1->next_sp; plt2 != NULL; ) {
if (plt2->num_iso_read == 0 && plt2->plot_type == DATA3D) {
plt2 = plt2->next_sp;
plt1->next_sp->next_sp = NULL;
plt1->next_sp = plt2;
else {
plt1 = plt2;
plt2 = plt2->next_sp;
if (first_3dplot == NULL)
int_error("no data found in file", NO_CARET);
/* Creates contours if contours are to be plotted as well. */
if (draw_contour) {
for (this_plot = first_3dplot, i = 0;
i < plot_num;
this_plot = this_plot->next_sp, i++) {
if (this_plot->contours) {
struct gnuplot_contours *cntr, *cntrs = this_plot->contours;
while (cntrs) {
cntr = cntrs;
cntrs = cntrs->next;
#ifdef THINK_C
gpfarfree((char GPFAR *)cntr->coords);
/* Make sure this one can be contoured. */
if (!this_plot->has_grid_topology) {
this_plot->contours = NULL;
fprintf(stderr,"Notice: cannot contour non grid data!\n");
/* changed from int_error by recommendation of rkc@xn.ll.mit.edu */
else if (this_plot->plot_type == DATA3D)
this_plot->contours = contour(
contour_levels, contour_pts,
contour_kind, contour_order,
levels_kind, levels_list);
this_plot->contours = contour(iso_samples_2,
contour_levels, contour_pts,
contour_kind, contour_order,
levels_kind, levels_list);
if (strcmp(term_tbl[term].name, "table") == 0)
do_3dplot(first_3dplot, plot_num, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, z_min, z_max);
first_3dplot = NULL;
int status;
if (term && term_init)
(*term_tbl[term].reset) ();
#ifdef vms
parametric_fixup(start_plot, plot_num, x_min, x_max)
struct curve_points *start_plot;
int *plot_num;
double *x_min, *x_max;
* The hardest part of this routine is collapsing the FUNC plot types in the
* list (which are gauranteed to occur in (x,y) pairs while preserving the
* non-FUNC type plots intact. This means we have to work our way through
* various lists. Examples (hand checked): start_plot:F1->F2->NULL ==>
* F2->NULL start_plot:F1->F2->F3->F4->F5->F6->NULL ==> F2->F4->F6->NULL
* start_plot:F1->F2->D1->D2->F3->F4->D3->NULL ==> F2->D1->D2->F4->D3->NULL
* Of course, the more interesting work is to move the y values of the x
* function to become the x values of the y function (checking the mins and
* maxs as we go along).
struct curve_points *xp, *new_list, *yp = start_plot, *tmp, *free_list,
*free_head = NULL;
int i, tlen, curve;
char *new_title;
double lxmin, lxmax, temp;
if (autoscale_lx) {
lxmin = VERYLARGE;
lxmax = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
lxmin = xmin;
lxmax = xmax;
* Ok, go through all the plots and move FUNC types together. Note: this
* originally was written to look for a NULL next pointer, but gnuplot
* wants to be sticky in grabbing memory and the right number of items in
* the plot list is controlled by the plot_num variable.
* Since gnuplot wants to do this sticky business, a free_list of
* curve_points is kept and then tagged onto the end of the plot list as
* this seems more in the spirit of the original memory behavior than
* simply freeing the memory. I'm personally not convinced this sort of
* concern is worth it since the time spent computing points seems to
* dominate any garbage collecting that might be saved here...
new_list = xp = start_plot;
yp = xp->next_cp;
curve = 0;
for (; curve < *plot_num; xp = xp->next_cp, yp = yp ? yp->next_cp : yp, curve++) {
if (xp->plot_type != FUNC) {
/* Here's a FUNC parametric function defined as two parts. */
* Go through all the points assigning the y's from xp to be the x's
* for yp. Check max's and min's as you go.
for (i = 0; i < yp->p_count; ++i) {
* Throw away excess xp points, mark excess yp points as
if (i > xp->p_count) {
yp->points[i].type = OUTRANGE;
* Just as we had to do when we computed y values--now check that
* x's (computed parametrically) are in the permitted ranges as
* well.
temp = xp->points[i].y; /* New x value for yp function. */
yp->points[i].x = temp;
/* Handle undefined values differently from normal ranges. */
if (xp->points[i].type == UNDEFINED)
yp->points[i].type = xp->points[i].type;
if (autoscale_lx || polar
|| inrange(temp, lxmin, lxmax)) {
if (autoscale_lx && temp < lxmin)
lxmin = temp;
if (autoscale_lx && temp > lxmax)
lxmax = temp;
} else
yp->points[i].type = OUTRANGE; /* Due to x value. */
/* Ok, fix up the title to include both the xp and yp plots. */
if (xp->title && xp->title[0] != '\0') {
tlen = strlen(yp->title) + strlen(xp->title) + 3;
new_title = alloc((unsigned long) tlen, "string");
strcpy(new_title, xp->title);
strcat(new_title, ", "); /* + 2 */
strcat(new_title, yp->title); /* + 1 = + 3 */
yp->title = new_title;
/* Eliminate the first curve (xparam) and just use the second. */
if (xp == start_plot) {
/* Simply nip off the first element of the list. */
new_list = first_plot = yp;
xp = xp->next_cp;
if (yp->next_cp != NULL)
yp = yp->next_cp;
/* Add start_plot to the free_list. */
if (free_head == NULL) {
free_list = free_head = start_plot;
free_head->next_cp = NULL;
} else {
free_list->next_cp = start_plot;
start_plot->next_cp = NULL;
free_list = start_plot;
} else {
/* Here, remove the xp node and replace it with the yp node. */
tmp = xp;
/* Pass over any data files that might have been in place. */
while (new_list->next_cp && new_list->next_cp != xp)
new_list = new_list->next_cp;
new_list->next_cp = yp;
new_list = new_list->next_cp;
xp = xp->next_cp;
if (yp->next_cp != NULL)
yp = yp->next_cp;
/* Add tmp to the free_list. */
tmp->next_cp = NULL;
if (free_head == NULL) {
free_list = free_head = tmp;
} else {
free_list->next_cp = tmp;
free_list = tmp;
/* Ok, stick the free list at the end of the curve_points plot list. */
while (new_list->next_cp != NULL)
new_list = new_list->next_cp;
new_list->next_cp = free_head;
/* Report the overall graph mins and maxs. */
*x_min = lxmin;
*x_max = lxmax;
parametric_3dfixup(start_plot, plot_num, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max,
z_min, z_max)
struct surface_points *start_plot;
int *plot_num;
double *x_min, *x_max, *y_min, *y_max, *z_min, *z_max;
* The hardest part of this routine is collapsing the FUNC plot types in the
* list (which are gauranteed to occur in (x,y,z) triplets while preserving
* the non-FUNC type plots intact. This means we have to work our way
* through various lists. Examples (hand checked):
* start_plot:F1->F2->F3->NULL ==> F3->NULL
* start_plot:F1->F2->F3->F4->F5->F6->NULL ==> F3->F6->NULL
* start_plot:F1->F2->F3->D1->D2->F4->F5->F6->D3->NULL ==>
* F3->D1->D2->F6->D3->NULL
struct surface_points *xp, *yp, *zp, *new_list, *tmp, *free_list, *free_head = NULL;
struct iso_curve *icrvs, *xicrvs, *yicrvs, *zicrvs;
int i, tlen, surface;
char *new_title;
double lxmin, lxmax, lymin, lymax, lzmin, lzmax;
if (autoscale_lx) {
lxmin = VERYLARGE;
lxmax = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
lxmin = xmin;
lxmax = xmax;
if (autoscale_ly) {
lymin = VERYLARGE;
lymax = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
lymin = ymin;
lymax = ymax;
if (autoscale_lz) {
lzmin = VERYLARGE;
lzmax = -VERYLARGE;
} else {
lzmin = zmin;
lzmax = zmax;
* Ok, go through all the plots and move FUNC3D types together. Note:
* this originally was written to look for a NULL next pointer, but
* gnuplot wants to be sticky in grabbing memory and the right number of
* items in the plot list is controlled by the plot_num variable.
* Since gnuplot wants to do this sticky business, a free_list of
* surface_points is kept and then tagged onto the end of the plot list
* as this seems more in the spirit of the original memory behavior than
* simply freeing the memory. I'm personally not convinced this sort of
* concern is worth it since the time spent computing points seems to
* dominate any garbage collecting that might be saved here...
new_list = xp = start_plot;
for (surface = 0; surface < *plot_num; surface++) {
if (xp->plot_type != FUNC3D) {
icrvs = xp->iso_crvs;
while (icrvs) {
struct coordinate GPHUGE *points = icrvs->points;
for (i = 0; i < icrvs->p_count; ++i) {
if (lxmin > points[i].x)
lxmin = points[i].x;
if (lxmax < points[i].x)
lxmax = points[i].x;
if (lymin > points[i].y)
lymin = points[i].y;
if (lymax < points[i].y)
lymax = points[i].y;
if (lzmin > points[i].z)
lzmin = points[i].z;
if (lzmax < points[i].z)
lzmax = points[i].z;
icrvs = icrvs->next;
xp = xp->next_sp;
yp = xp->next_sp;
zp = yp->next_sp;
/* Here's a FUNC3D parametric function defined as three parts. */
(*plot_num) -= 2;
* Go through all the points and assign the x's and y's from xp and
* yp to zp. Check max's and min's as you go.
xicrvs = xp->iso_crvs;
yicrvs = yp->iso_crvs;
zicrvs = zp->iso_crvs;
while (zicrvs) {
struct coordinate GPHUGE *xpoints = xicrvs->points, GPHUGE *ypoints = yicrvs->points, GPHUGE *zpoints = zicrvs->points;
for (i = 0; i < zicrvs->p_count; ++i) {
zpoints[i].x = xpoints[i].z;
zpoints[i].y = ypoints[i].z;
if (lxmin > zpoints[i].x)
lxmin = zpoints[i].x;
if (lxmax < zpoints[i].x)
lxmax = zpoints[i].x;
if (lymin > zpoints[i].y)
lymin = zpoints[i].y;
if (lymax < zpoints[i].y)
lymax = zpoints[i].y;
if (lzmin > zpoints[i].z)
lzmin = zpoints[i].z;
if (lzmax < zpoints[i].z)
lzmax = zpoints[i].z;
xicrvs = xicrvs->next;
yicrvs = yicrvs->next;
zicrvs = zicrvs->next;
/* Ok, fix up the title to include xp and yp plots. */
if ((xp->title && xp->title[0] != '\0') ||
(yp->title && yp->title[0] != '\0')) {
tlen = (xp->title ? strlen(xp->title) : 0) +
(yp->title ? strlen(yp->title) : 0) +
(zp->title ? strlen(zp->title) : 0) + 5;
new_title = alloc((unsigned long) tlen, "string");
new_title[0] = 0;
if (xp->title) {
strcat(new_title, xp->title);
strcat(new_title, ", "); /* + 2 */
if (yp->title) {
strcat(new_title, yp->title);
strcat(new_title, ", "); /* + 2 */
if (zp->title) {
strcat(new_title, zp->title);
zp->title = new_title;
* Eliminate the first two surfaces (xp and yp) and just use the
* third.
if (xp == start_plot) {
/* Simply nip off the first two elements of the list. */
new_list = first_3dplot = zp;
xp = zp->next_sp;
/* Add xp and yp to the free_list. */
if (free_head == NULL) {
free_head = start_plot;
} else {
free_list->next_sp = start_plot;
free_list = start_plot->next_sp;
free_list->next_sp = NULL;
} else {
* Here, remove the xp,yp nodes and replace them with the zp
* node.
tmp = xp;
/* Pass over any data files that might have been in place. */
while (new_list->next_sp && new_list->next_sp != xp)
new_list = new_list->next_sp;
new_list->next_sp = zp;
new_list = zp;
xp = zp->next_sp;
/* Add tmp to the free_list. */
if (free_head == NULL) {
free_head = tmp;
} else {
free_list->next_sp = tmp;
free_list = tmp->next_sp;
free_list->next_sp = NULL;
/* Ok, stick the free list at the end of the surface_points plot list. */
while (new_list->next_sp != NULL)
new_list = new_list->next_sp;
new_list->next_sp = free_head;
if (lxmax - lxmin < zero) {
if (fabs(lxmax) < zero) {
lxmin = -1.0;
lxmax = 1.0;
} else {
lxmin *= 0.9;
lxmax *= 1.1;
if (lymax - lymin < zero) {
if (fabs(lymax) < zero) {
lymin = -1.0;
lymax = 1.0;
} else {
lymin *= 0.9;
lymax *= 1.1;
if (lzmax - lzmin < zero) {
if (fabs(lzmax) < zero) {
lzmin = -1.0;
lzmax = 1.0;
} else {
lzmin *= 0.9;
lzmax *= 1.1;
/* Report the overall graph mins and maxs. */
if (autoscale_lx) {
*x_min = (is_log_x ? pow(base_log_x, lxmin) : lxmin);
*x_max = (is_log_x ? pow(base_log_x, lxmax) : lxmax);
} else {
*x_min = xmin;
*x_max = xmax;
if (autoscale_ly) {
*y_min = (is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, lymin) : lymin);
*y_max = (is_log_y ? pow(base_log_y, lymax) : lymax);
} else {
*y_min = ymin;
*y_max = ymax;
if (autoscale_lz) {
*z_min = (is_log_z ? pow(base_log_z, lzmin) : lzmin);
*z_max = (is_log_z ? pow(base_log_z, lzmax) : lzmax);
} else {
*z_min = zmin;
*z_max = zmax;
#ifdef AMIGA_SC_6_1
unsigned int delay;
Delay(50 * delay);
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
unsigned int delay;
unsigned long time_is_up;
time_is_up = time(NULL) + (unsigned long) delay;
while (time(NULL) < time_is_up)
/* wait */ ;
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(_Windows) || defined(DOS386)
#if (!defined(__TURBOC__) && !defined(__EMX__) && !defined(DJGPP)) || defined(_Windows) /* Turbo C already has sleep() */
#ifndef __ZTC__ /* ZTC already has usleep() */
/* kludge to provide sleep() for msc 5.1 */
unsigned int delay;
unsigned long time_is_up;
time_is_up = time(NULL) + (unsigned long) delay;
while (time(NULL) < time_is_up)
/* wait */ ;
#endif /* not ZTC */
#endif /* (!TURBOC && !__EMX__ && !DJGPP) or _Windows */
#endif /* MSDOS || _Windows*/
/* Support for input, shell, and help for various systems */
#ifdef vms
#include <descrip.h>
#include <rmsdef.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <smgdef.h>
#include <smgmsg.h>
extern lib$get_input(), lib$put_output();
extern smg$read_composed_line();
int vms_len;
unsigned int status[2] =
{1, 0};
static char help[MAX_LINE_LEN + 1] = "gnuplot";
$DESCRIPTOR(prompt_desc, PROMPT);
$DESCRIPTOR(line_desc, input_line);
$DESCRIPTOR(help_desc, help);
$DESCRIPTOR(helpfile_desc, "GNUPLOT$HELP");
char *prompt;
int more, start = 0;
char expand_prompt[40];
prompt_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(prompt);
prompt_desc.dsc$a_pointer = prompt;
(void) strcpy(expand_prompt, "_");
(void) strncat(expand_prompt, prompt, 38);
do {
line_desc.dsc$w_length = MAX_LINE_LEN - start;
line_desc.dsc$a_pointer = &input_line[start];
switch (status[1] = smg$read_composed_line(&vms_vkid, 0, &line_desc, &prompt_desc, &vms_len)) {
case SMG$_EOF:
done(IO_SUCCESS); /* ^Z isn't really an error */
case RMS$_TNS: /* didn't press return in time */
vms_len--; /* skip the last character */
break; /* and parse anyway */
case RMS$_BES: /* Bad Escape Sequence */
case RMS$_PES: /* Partial Escape Sequence */
vms_len = 0; /* ignore the line */
case SS$_NORMAL:
break; /* everything's fine */
done(status[1]); /* give the error message */
start += vms_len;
input_line[start] = '\0';
if (input_line[start - 1] == '\\') {
/* Allow for a continuation line. */
prompt_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(expand_prompt);
prompt_desc.dsc$a_pointer = expand_prompt;
more = 1;
} else {
line_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(input_line);
line_desc.dsc$a_pointer = input_line;
more = 0;
} while (more);
return 0;
help_desc.dsc$w_length = strlen(help);
if ((vaxc$errno = lbr$output_help(lib$put_output, 0, &help_desc,
&helpfile_desc, 0, lib$get_input)) != SS$_NORMAL)
os_error("can't open GNUPLOT$HELP", NO_CARET);
#ifdef THINK_C
int_error("'shell' is not supported on this version.",c_token);
if ((vaxc$errno = lib$spawn()) != SS$_NORMAL) {
os_error("spawn error", NO_CARET);
input_line[0] = ' '; /* an embarrassment, but... */
if ((vaxc$errno = lib$spawn(&line_desc)) != SS$_NORMAL)
os_error("spawn error", NO_CARET);
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
#else /* vms */
#ifdef _Windows
else {
char buf[128];
int start = c_token++;
while (!(END_OF_COMMAND))
capture(buf, start, c_token-1);
* do_help: (not VMS, although it would work) Give help to the user. It
* parses the command line into helpbuf and supplies help for that string.
* Then, if there are subtopics available for that key, it prompts the user
* with this string. If more input is given, do_help is called recursively,
* with the argument the index of null character in the string. Thus a more
* specific help can be supplied. This can be done repeatedly. If null input
* is given, the function returns, effecting a backward climb up the tree.
* David Kotz (David.Kotz@Dartmouth.edu) 10/89
static char *helpbuf = NULL;
static char *prompt = NULL;
int base; /* index of first char AFTER help string */
int len; /* length of current help string */
TBOOLEAN more_help;
TBOOLEAN only; /* TRUE if only printing subtopics */
int subtopics; /* 0 if no subtopics for this topic */
int start; /* starting token of help string */
char *help_ptr; /* name of help file */
#ifdef ATARI
static char help_fname[256]=""; /* keep helpfilename across calls */
if ((help_ptr = getenv("GNUHELP")) == (char *) NULL)
#ifndef ATARI
/* if can't find environment variable then just use HELPFILE */
help_ptr = HELPFILE;
/* try whether we can find the helpfile via shell_find. If not, just
use the default. (tnx Andreas) */
#ifdef sequent
if( !index( HELPFILE, ':' ) && !index( HELPFILE, '/' ) &&
!index( HELPFILE, '\\' ) ) {
if( !strchr( HELPFILE, ':' ) && !strchr( HELPFILE, '/' ) &&
!strchr( HELPFILE, '\\' ) ) {
if( strlen(help_fname)==0 ) {
strcpy( help_fname, HELPFILE );
if( shel_find( help_fname )==0 ) {
strcpy( help_fname, HELPFILE );
} else {
#endif /* ATARI */
/* Since MSDOS DGROUP segment is being overflowed we can not allow such */
/* huge static variables (1k each). Instead we dynamically allocate them */
/* on the first call to this function... */
if (helpbuf == NULL) {
#ifdef THINK_C
helpbuf = alloc((size_t)MAX_LINE_LEN, "help buffer");
prompt = alloc((size_t)MAX_LINE_LEN, "help prompt");
helpbuf = alloc((unsigned long)MAX_LINE_LEN, "help buffer");
prompt = alloc((unsigned long)MAX_LINE_LEN, "help prompt");
helpbuf[0] = prompt[0] = 0;
len = base = strlen(helpbuf);
/* find the end of the help command */
for (start = c_token; !(END_OF_COMMAND); c_token++);
/* copy new help input into helpbuf */
if (len > 0)
helpbuf[len++] = ' '; /* add a space */
capture(helpbuf + len, start, c_token - 1);
squash_spaces(helpbuf + base); /* only bother with new stuff */
lower_case(helpbuf + base); /* only bother with new stuff */
len = strlen(helpbuf);
/* now, a lone ? will print subtopics only */
if (strcmp(helpbuf + (base ? base + 1 : 0), "?") == 0) {
/* subtopics only */
subtopics = 1;
only = TRUE;
helpbuf[base] = '\0'; /* cut off question mark */
} else {
/* normal help request */
subtopics = 0;
only = FALSE;
switch (help(helpbuf, help_ptr, &subtopics)) {
case H_FOUND:{
/* already printed the help info */
/* subtopics now is true if there were any subtopics */
screen_ok = FALSE;
do {
if (subtopics && !only) {
/* prompt for subtopic with current help string */
if (len > 0)
(void) sprintf(prompt, "Subtopic of %s: ", helpbuf);
(void) strcpy(prompt, "Help topic: ");
num_tokens = scanner(input_line);
c_token = 0;
more_help = !(END_OF_COMMAND);
if (more_help)
/* base for next level is all of current helpbuf */
} else
more_help = FALSE;
} while (more_help);
printf("Sorry, no help for '%s'\n", helpbuf);
case H_ERROR:{
default:{ /* defensive programming */
int_error("Impossible case in switch", NO_CARET);
helpbuf[base] = '\0'; /* cut it off where we started */
#endif /* _Windows */
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
char strg0[256];
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
char *parms[80];
void getparms();
getparms(input_line + 1, parms);
if (fexecv(parms[0], parms) < 0)
#if defined(ATARI)&&defined(__GNUC__)
/* use preloaded shell, if available */
short (*shell_p) (char *command);
void *ssp;
ssp = (void *) Super(NULL);
shell_p = *(short (**) (char *)) 0x4f6;
/* this is a bit strange, but we have to have a single if */
if ((shell_p ? (*shell_p) (input_line + 1) : system(input_line + 1)))
#ifdef _Windows
if (winsystem(input_line + 1))
if (system(input_line + 1))
os_error("system() failed", NO_CARET);
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
/* */
/* Parses the command string (for fexecv use) and converts the first token */
/* to lower case */
/* */
getparms(command, parms)
char *command;
char **parms;
register int i = 0; /* A bunch of indices */
register int j = 0;
register int k = 0;
while (*(command + j) != '\0') { /* Loop on string characters */
parms[k++] = strg0 + i;
while (*(command + j) == ' ')
while (*(command + j) != ' ' && *(command + j) != '\0') {
if (*(command + j) == '"') /* Get quoted string */
for (*(strg0 + (i++)) = *(command + (j++));
*(command + j) != '"';
*(strg0 + (i++)) = *(command + (j++)));
*(strg0 + (i++)) = *(command + (j++));
*(strg0 + (i++)) = '\0';/* NUL terminate every token */
parms[k] = '\0';
for (k = strlen(strg0) - 1; k >= 0; --k) /* Convert to lower case */
*(strg0 + k) >= 'A' && *(strg0 + k) <= 'Z' ? *(strg0 + k) |= 32 : *(strg0 + k);
#endif /* AMIGA_AC_5 */
char *
rlgets(s, n, prompt)
char *s;
int n;
char *prompt;
char *readline();
static char *line = (char *) NULL;
/* If we already have a line, first free it */
if (line != (char *) NULL)
line = readline((interactive) ? prompt : "");
/* If it's not an EOF */
if (line) {
if (*line)
strncpy(s, line, n);
return s;
return line;
#endif /* READLINE */
#if defined(MSDOS) || defined(_Windows) || defined(DOS386)
#ifndef _Windows
#ifdef __TURBOC__
/* cgets implemented using dos functions */
/* Maurice Castro 22/5/91 */
char *
char *s;
long datseg;
/* protect and preserve segments - call dos to do the dirty work */
datseg = _DS;
_DX = FP_OFF(s);
_DS = FP_SEG(s);
_AH = 0x0A;
_DS = datseg;
/* check for a carriage return and then clobber it with a null */
if (s[s[1] + 2] == '\r')
s[s[1] + 2] = 0;
/* return the input string */
return (&(s[2]));
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
#endif /* !_Windows */
#ifdef __ZTC__
void cputs(char *s)
register int i = 0;
while (s[i] != '\0') bdos(0x02, s[i++], NULL);
char *cgets(char *s)
bdosx(0x0A, s, NULL);
if (s[s[1]+2] == '\r')
s[s[1]+2] = 0;
/* return the input string */
#endif /* __ZTC__ */
char *prompt;
register int i;
int start = 0, ilen = 0;
int last;
char *p, *crnt_prompt = prompt;
if (interactive) { /* if interactive use console IO so CED will
* work */
#ifndef READLINE
#if defined(_Windows) || defined(__EMX__) || defined(DJGPP) || defined(__ZTC__)
printf("%s", prompt);
#endif /* READLINE */
do {
ilen = MAX_LINE_LEN - start - 1;
input_line[start] = ilen > 126 ? 126 : ilen;
input_line[start + 2] = 0;
(void) rlgets(&(input_line[start + 2]), ilen, crnt_prompt);
#ifdef sequent
if ((p = index(&(input_line[start + 2]), '\r'))!=NULL)
*p = 0;
if ((p = index(&(input_line[start + 2]), '\n'))!=NULL)
*p = 0;
if ((p = strchr(&(input_line[start + 2]), '\r'))!=NULL)
*p = 0;
if ((p = strchr(&(input_line[start + 2]), '\n'))!=NULL)
*p = 0;
input_line[start + 1] = strlen(&(input_line[start + 2]));
#else /* READLINE */
#if defined(_Windows) || defined(__EMX__) || defined(DJGPP)
(void) gets(&(input_line[start+2]));
#ifdef __TURBOC__
(void) doscgets(&(input_line[start]));
#else /* __TURBOC__ */
(void) cgets(&(input_line[start]));
#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
#endif /* _Windows || __EMX__ || DJGPP*/
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
#endif /* READLINE */
if (input_line[start + 2] == 26) {
/* end-of-file */
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
input_line[start] = '\0';
if (start > 0) /* don't quit yet - process what we have */
more = FALSE;
else {
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
return(1); /* exit gnuplot */
} else {
/* normal line input */
register i = start;
while ((input_line[i] = input_line[i + 2]) != (char) NULL)
i++; /* yuck! move everything down two characters */
last = strlen(input_line) - 1;
if (last<0) last=0; /* stop UAE in Windows */
if (last + 1 >= MAX_LINE_LEN)
int_error("Input line too long", NO_CARET);
if (input_line[last] == '\\') { /* line continuation */
start = last;
more = TRUE;
} else
more = FALSE;
#ifndef READLINE
if (more)
#if defined(_Windows) || defined(__EMX__) || defined(DJGPP) || defined(__ZTC__)
printf("> ");
cputs("> ");
crnt_prompt = "> ";
#endif /* READLINE */
} while (more);
} else { /* not interactive */
if (interactive)
fputs(prompt, stderr);
do {
/* grab some input */
if (fgets(&(input_line[start]), MAX_LINE_LEN - start, stdin)
== (char *) NULL) {
/* end-of-file */
if (interactive)
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
input_line[start] = '\0';
if (start > 0) /* don't quit yet - process what we have */
more = FALSE;
return(1); /* exit gnuplot */
} else {
/* normal line input */
last = strlen(input_line) - 1;
if (input_line[last] == '\n') { /* remove any newline */
input_line[last] = '\0';
/* Watch out that we don't backup beyond 0 (1-1-1) */
if (last > 0)
} else if (last + 1 >= MAX_LINE_LEN)
int_error("Input line too long", NO_CARET);
if (input_line[last] == '\\') { /* line continuation */
start = last;
more = TRUE;
} else
more = FALSE;
if (more && interactive)
fputs("> ", stderr);
} while (more);
register char *comspec;
if ((comspec = getenv("COMSPEC")) == (char *) NULL)
comspec = "\\command.com";
#ifdef _Windows
if (WinExec(comspec, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32)
#ifdef DJGPP
if (system(comspec) == -1)
if (spawnl(P_WAIT, comspec, NULL) == -1)
os_error("unable to spawn shell", NO_CARET);
#else /* MSDOS */
/* plain old Unix */
char *prompt;
int start = 0;
int last = 0;
#ifndef READLINE
if (interactive)
fputs(prompt, stderr);
#endif /* READLINE */
do {
/* grab some input */
if (((interactive)
? rlgets(&(input_line[start]), MAX_LINE_LEN - start,
((more) ? "> " : prompt))
: fgets(&(input_line[start]), MAX_LINE_LEN - start, stdin))
== (char *) NULL) {
if (fgets(&(input_line[start]), MAX_LINE_LEN - start, stdin)
== (char *) NULL) {
#endif /* READLINE */
/* end-of-file */
if (interactive)
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
input_line[start] = '\0';
if (start > 0) /* don't quit yet - process what we have */
more = FALSE;
return(1); /* exit gnuplot */
} else {
/* normal line input */
last = strlen(input_line) - 1;
if (input_line[last] == '\n') { /* remove any newline */
input_line[last] = '\0';
/* Watch out that we don't backup beyond 0 (1-1-1) */
if (last > 0)
} else if (last + 1 >= MAX_LINE_LEN)
int_error("Input line too long", NO_CARET);
if (input_line[last] == '\\') { /* line continuation */
start = last;
more = TRUE;
} else
more = FALSE;
#ifndef READLINE
if (more && interactive)
fputs("> ", stderr);
} while (more);
#ifdef VFORK
register char *shell;
register int p;
static int execstat;
if (!(shell = getenv("SHELL")))
shell = SHELL;
#ifdef AMIGA_AC_5
execstat = fexecl(shell, shell, NULL);
if ((p = vfork()) == 0) {
execstat = execl(shell, shell, NULL);
} else if (p == -1)
os_error("vfork failed", c_token);
while (wait(NULL) != p)
if (execstat == -1)
os_error("shell exec failed", c_token);
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
#else /* VFORK */
#ifdef AMIGA_SC_6_1
register char *shell;
if (!(shell = getenv("SHELL")))
shell = SHELL;
if (system(shell))
os_error("system() failed", NO_CARET);
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
#else /* AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
#ifdef OS2
register char *shell;
if (!(shell = getenv("COMSPEC")))
shell = SHELL;
if (system(shell) == -1 )
os_error("system() failed", NO_CARET);
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
#else /* ! OS2 */
#define EXEC "exec "
static char exec[100] = EXEC;
register char *shell;
if (!(shell = getenv("SHELL")))
shell = SHELL;
if (system(strncpy(&exec[sizeof(EXEC) - 1], shell,
sizeof(exec) - sizeof(EXEC) - 1)))
os_error("system() failed", NO_CARET);
(void) putc('\n', stderr);
#endif /* OS2 */
#endif /* AMIGA_SC_6_1 */
#endif /* VFORK */
#endif /* MSDOS */
#endif /* vms */
#ifdef _Windows
/* there is a system like call on MS Windows but it is a bit difficult to
use, so we will invoke the command interpreter and use it to execute the
commands */
int winsystem(s)
char *s;
LPSTR comspec;
LPSTR execstr;
/* get COMSPEC environment variable */
#ifdef WIN32
char envbuf[81];
GetEnvironmentVariable("COMSPEC", envbuf, 80);
if (*envbuf == '\0')
comspec = "\\command.com";
comspec = envbuf;
p = GetDOSEnvironment();
comspec = "\\command.com";
while (*p) {
if (!strncmp(p,"COMSPEC=",8)) {
/* if the command is blank we must use command.com */
p = s;
while ((*p == ' ') || (*p == '\n') || (*p == '\r'))
if (*p == '\0')
WinExec(comspec, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
/* attempt to run the windows/dos program via windows */
if (WinExec(s, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= 32)
/* attempt to run it as a dos program from command line */
execstr = (char *) malloc(strlen(s) + strlen(comspec) + 6);
strcpy(execstr, comspec);
strcat(execstr, " /c ");
strcat(execstr, s);
WinExec(execstr, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
/* regardless of the reality return OK - the consequences of */
/* failure include shutting down Windows */
return(0); /* success */
#endif /* THINK_C_2 */